Which fps are you playing?


playing through Dying Light with 3 other guys, fun game co-op. got on steam sale for 15/ea. just hard to coordinate nights where all 4 of us can play so we are going through it pretty slowly
Been playing Squad, which is the new alpha version of the BF2 Project Reality Mod made on the Unreal 4 engine. It's way early, there's no vehicles yet and only a few maps but that will change soon... will be awesome when finished but pretty fun already with Infantry only.



Haven't really watched but the first minute of this vid, but you can find all kinds of other vids on it.
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I just started playing Warframe again. IMO it was pretty much a turd when it first came out, but they've redone a great deal of it since then and it's quite polished now.

I akin it to Destiny for the PC. And it's pretty much F2P to boot, so you can play pretty much the entire game and decide if the devs are worth supporting via the ingame market.
Everyone who said Rust in this thread get a hold of me. I'm tired of playing it solo. Every time TW crew goes at it they give up. Dunno why I love the game so much, I can't quit playing it. But solo is just too brutal.
Everyone who said Rust in this thread get a hold of me. I'm tired of playing it solo. Every time TW crew goes at it they give up. Dunno why I love the game so much, I can't quit playing it. But solo is just too brutal.
Tw groups for games generally flame out pretty quick with some exceptions
I'm playing Rainbow Six: Siege

It's the best FPS to come out in many years. It's very strategic and you always feel tense. It feels great when a next level strategy pays off.