What amount of family money do you consider middle class

I dunno, I have a 401k, 457b, and the pension that is 2% of my highest salary for each year I'm there for life, plus health insurance for life. Vests in less than 2 years

I turned them down.

I know to dollar store managers (dubsack) that 25k is a lot but there are more factors in play.

I know it is hard when you are paying alimony from a failed marriage, and you have to effectively start your life over...but you come to TW for financial advice, you don't get to make jokes.

And honestly, if you want to compare W2s, I am game.
u come to the comedy cellar at tribalwar gaming news, u better make some jokes

and honestly, stop trying 2 come up w/ scenarios where u can justify sliding ur cock up alongside another man's penis as some sort of "comparison" -- we all kno wat ur rly up 2
I'm living pretty damn comfortably these days, so I'd take the 25k more, and immediately turn around and toss it into an IRA.

Absolute stability is absolute bullshit, and while a pension is nice, the potential growth of compounding interest on 25k extra a year into my IRA would destroy whatever pension i'd be getting.

plus, depending on my current tenure, I'd still possibly be collecting some semblance of a pension...

Uh you know an IRA is limited to $6k/yr right?
I dunno, I have a 401k, 457b, and the pension that is 2% of my highest salary for each year I'm there for life, plus health insurance for life. Vests in less than 2 years

I turned them down.

I know to dollar store managers (dubsack) that 25k is a lot but there are more factors in play.
Right, it depends on whether the company will be around when you retire. My dad gets a pension and health benefits until he dies (major company). 5k a month. Medicare is his primary for health, and the private insurance is the supplement.

If you end up in an assisted living facility, it's 5-6k a month. But you really want a loved one to take care of you at home. If you hire a company to watch you in your home, that's $23-$25 an hour and it will be a different black person each day. In my dads case, Laurie moved into the home and is taking care of him along with some neighbors. My dad was in a facility for a year, mom passed there in November. We brought him out a couple weeks ago.

All of this pension and IRA stuff is for the end game when you are incapacitated due to cancer, stroke, heart attack, or dementia. Everyone says they want to go instantly in their sleep, so did my dad. But my mom went first from COPD. You can't plan the exact end game, but now you have an idea of how much this stuff costs.
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The same amount. They do much better work, don't YELL talk, cook better, and even do extra work like organizing a pantry and giving suggestions for groceries. They do the extra work because they're bored and want to stay busy.

The problem is, everyone wants them, so if you get a white person, they won't be around for long. Someone else will request them, or they'll have another job. The schedule is always changing, you don't know who is going to show up at home, or who the staff will be at the facility. What we found is the good workers get fired, the bad ones get promoted. We got tired of it and brought my dad home. An assisted living facility is nothing more than a hotel, with staff that will feed your loved one 3 times a day (take them to the cafeteria), give them prescribed medicine, and might change their diaper once a day (when it should be done 2x). Activities? Not many, the staff is too busy YELL talking to each other.

The problem with assisted living in a facility or at home, is the workers only make $9-$10 an hour. Whereas Laurie is paying the private people (neighbors) more.

I do not want to end up in a facility at the end. Therefore, I am planning for the time when I'm 82 with dementia. Laurie watched people in the neighborhood, and now she's living with my father full time. When you turn 80, it's time to assemble a team of white neighbors to watch you and take over, but it would be the job of the kids if you have dementia. That's why the parents have to move next to the kids. When I'm 80, I will be living near my daughter, on Risperdal (mood drug), and we'll have a team of people watching me.
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Might be a good idea to move to China or Thailand. You can hire a bunch of them to look after you (and they will give handjobs as well). Mexico might be an option for ppl in the US who don't like foreigners. Severed has the right idea.

If you have no kids you're all set b/c you can find some good white ppl and write them up in the will to inherit the house when you go (of course they will overdose you before the ink is dry but w/e)