TL;DR New Starsiege game.

Below I outline how to make successful tribes sequel:

1. make tribes
2. don't make not tribes
3. success!

So what you're saying is the game needs to have useless vehicles and everybody agrees not to use the shrike because it makes the flag skip...
make apc great again


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Amadeus woke up today and said

wonder what tribe dreams i can sqwuash on tw

so he go to this thread and say "it wont" well i have news for you amadeus you are a furry whether you like it or not

tonight your body will sprout fur, a tail, and a muzzle and you will be an animal human like the rest of us gl hf
When I look at the old tribes vids and think of how fun it was with shout-casters toggling through the players, the positions and strategies, the speed of the game... flag standoffs,,, perfect e sport game.
Only thing I'd like to add are a half time and instant replays.
The screen shots of the weapons reminded me of midair. Sad!

How unusual to spin off a separate entity to work on Starsiege IP. Perhaps it is so dangerous they have to isolate it from everything else they are doing. Perhaps after much thought and reflection they decided that it was so toxic that extraordinary safeguards would be required.
The screen shots of the weapons reminded me of midair. Sad!

How unusual to spin off a separate entity to work on Starsiege IP. Perhaps it is so dangerous they have to isolate it from everything else they are doing. Perhaps after much thought and reflection they decided that it was so toxic that extraordinary safeguards would be required.

If they hadn't put a speed cap in, removed maps when non-constructive feedback is rampant, banned players only with consideration of the number of reports someone had, maybe balanced the game, and not abandon it, it might still be around.
Naw, most games have a short time of popularity with a few exceptions (CS:GO).

Many people play games on their phone and handhelds (Steamdeck), which isn't really meant for shooters.

Top games on Steamdeck (not many shooters at the top)
Steam Curator: Great on Deck
Top games on Steam (PC) (this is where you find the shooters)

The cool thing about the Steamdeck is how easy they made it to Emulate games. Back in the day, I put Mame on my PC, it worked, but I never followed up with other consoles. With the SteamDeck, it has all the emulators on it (EmuDeck). All you have to do is put the roms in the correct folder, push a few buttons, and they end up on the game side ready to go.

The point is, many are not sitting in front of a computer playing games, they're doing it on a phone and the handheld. Since I got the deck, I've been playing it more that the computer I just built.
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games with replay value last, those without dont. i dont see why this obvious concept needs a utube vid lol.

as for games that should last, but dont, like wow, u can thank the evil ginger jew for that one.

and why would u prefer some tiny ass screen to a PC... unless your in bed/on the shitter that often :shrug:
and why would u prefer some tiny ass screen to a PC... unless your in bed/on the shitter that often :shrug:

The N64 games look and play great, it's an 8" screen diagonally. I play it watching TV and in bed. It's just easier to fire up versus the computer, where you have to sit in once place.

It's basically a console that you can walk around with, yet it plays Steam games and has a great interface to do it.
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Torn between wanting a new Starsiege/Tribes combined arms type game to succeed and wanting Hi-Rez to light itself on fire, it's painful.
Everything we loved is dead. Burn it all.
i don't even want to play
i just want to watch a balanced T1 type game
with great commentary
The Rezurection maps were a good start
but egos got in the way of them being popular
i mostly just play arkanoid now

its v hard

the last level sux ass too its super ez idkwtf

i mostly just play arkanoid now
I used to play Arkanoid back in the day. I never saw the ending. That's because they didn't have YT back then. They had books with tips on how to play better. People would hang out in Barnes and Noble reading them. Then the internet came along and eventually YT where people could learn how to win.

Yesterday I was playing Donkey Kong 64 on the Steamdeck going through the beginning. I was playing along with a walk through which goes for 10 hours and the person gets every coin, every banana, doesn't lose a life, takes no damage, incredible. He recorded this on a PC running the Mupen64 emulator.
Donkey Kong 64 - Complete 101% Walkthrough - All Collectibles - No Damage (Longplay) - YouTube
Back then I would play a game for a while then get stuck and move on. It would probably take me 40 hours to go through DK64 with a walk through. I have to watch the video, get through that part, then come back and see what's next.

When you think about it, a game is nothing more than figuring out a challenge. Either pushing buttons or making movements in a certain way, or doing it faster and better than someone else. Most games have walk thrus or speed runs today. That's how I'm playing Doom Eternal on the PC, with a walk through and it's still hard even on easy. That's because the zombies come in waves all at once, and I run out of ammo and there's so many weapon combos to remember to kill each one.
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