Throwing rocks at cars

We never threw rocks at cars, but we often went to the golf course and stole people's golf balls after they hit them.

One time, there were five of us hiding in the bushes (we were probably around 13 at the time), and two 20-year-olds hit the ball miles ahead, landing right near us. These guys looked like psychos, but since they were so far away we felt safe. We grabbed their ball and ran like crazy, and amazingly they caught up with us. They grabbed our slowest runner, and he just said sorry, and that his friends had dared him to do it. He said he had to do it to be let into our gang. Surprisingly they just let him go.

Another time, my friend had a golf club thrown at his head, but we managed to run away before the golfer did any more damage. The guy was angry as fuck, and was gonna beat the shit out of us his golf clubs. We weren't expecting that reaction at all, because he just looked like your average middle-aged man. IIRC, we stopped doing it for about two weeks after that, but then started again.

Serious fun when you're a kid, but obviously wrong. And I would be pissed if someone did it to me today.
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We live in a society of no consequences. Nobody takes responsibility for their own actions because there's always someone or something else to blame. Kids get to use the excuse that they're just kids. Parents get to use the excuse that their kids learn it from video games. Authorities get to use the excuse that it's the parent's lack of parenting. So it just keeps going around and around until nobody can actually be at fault because the next person has some cop out excuse.

If kids are doing this, you can be pretty sure that if you went to their parents about it they wouldn't care. They obviously haven't tried to actually be parents to their kids so at best they might just tell you to get off their porch. More than likely they would launch into some ignorant tirade about how you shouldn't be telling them how to raise their kids. The kids? They wouldn't get in one ounce of trouble because the parents don't give a shit or can't give a shit. We have fucked up society to the point that parents can't even discipline their kids for fear of the legal ramifications of spanking their kid. So children that start to be troublemakers just continue on with it because they're not put in their place from the get go.

Just be thankful that they hadn't progressed to the point of cinder blocks. :p:
I used to throw snowballs and water balloons at buses when I was a kid, but some kids take it too far. A man was killed here a couple years ago when some kids thought it would be funny to drop pumpkins off a highway overpass. Not cool.