Throwing rocks at cars

When as kids you have no cencept of cost (At least I didnt) and would do bb guns at windowa, rocks at cars. (yes I was satan as a kid) but as an adult you are like "MUST KILL KIDS" maybe I'm like an exception to the rule for what I did as a kid, BUT doesnt mean I tolerate it any better.
Watchin that clip makes me wanna get real baked and watch pulp fiction... unfortunately I CANT FIND ANY FUCKING WEED ANYWHERE... GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was at a bus stop while two kids threw rocks at cars and told me not to tell anyone. then, one lady stopped and came down and tried her best to get their names/phone numbers and instill a sense of discipline and they pretty much had no reason to tell her anything

i was like 14
i was at a bus stop while two kids threw rocks at cars and told me not to tell anyone. then, one lady stopped and came down and tried her best to get their names/phone numbers and instill a sense of discipline and they pretty much had no reason to tell her anything

i was like 14
Hah, try chasing them down a dark street at 9:30pm. I had a full name and an address before the little bastards even stopped running.
we used to throw water balloons at cars, blind shots from behind a wall of bushes so when they hit not only was it super awesome but the driver never saw a thing
So I was driving home from the gym and this fucking twat throws a rock at my truck. I immediately pulled over and ran after the kid and ended up catching 2 of his friends about 100 yards later. Fortunately, a cop stopped to check out my abandoned truck on the side of the road and I turned the kids over to him. I'm glad I didn't catch the real culprit after realizing the cop was there.

Seriously, what the fuck goes through a kids head to think that its a fun idea to throw hard objects at moving cars?

yea try that shit in the wrong area and you will loose your car.

edit: for some reason i remember that song talking about this... but car jackers would keep a pocket full of stones/rocks and they would throw em at cars and when they would stop they get car jacked. the song is more about crack tho :/
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its fun and they have no concept of worth.. fairly simple

i dont know about that... most kids know the concept of worth... its just they are raised wrong or peer pressured into doing something that will give them a rush... or in poor areas its to make some money cause they cant get any from mom or dad.

for me i did some shady shit as a kid but most of the time it was more about the RUSH of doing it then trying to make money.
This case was shitty parenting. The kids told me and the cops that the kid who actually threw the rock lived on a road ~10 miles away. 14 years old and 10 miles from home at 10 at night? Yea, his parents don't give a shit.
we used to use wrist rockets on cars....

I woulda kicked my ass from here to the horizon if I caught me....

That was like 2 decades ago.. I'd fuck a dude up for the exacrt same reasons tho today if he was dumb enough to get himself caught.
what legal proceedings and charges have you pressed against these minors? just curious. let me know how it turns out. i really HATE people that fuck with people's cars. if ur gonna do some shit do it the person face to face!

asians dont fight face to face

reference: vietnam

:lol: pussies
I dropped a beehive into an open sunroof of a moving car once.

I had a similar experience except me and my friends were throwing the rocks and there were 4 construction workers that made a U turn and tried following us home but once we were in our neighborhood they had no chance
throwing shit at cars ruled, there was this guy who used be totally irrational if you rang his doorbell, so we made a thing of it every year on goosey night to fuck with him. He got arrested for hitting one of the kids that Toilet papered his tree. haha