The rising use of SWAT teams is bad.

yea well try reading what the stories are first. I'm not against it necessarily but at least read before you post as there were innocent people harmed and killed.

innocent people are always harmed and killed buddy. no matter how the police act.

innocent people die every day in accidents. they're called accidents. accidents happen.
Because when you have a guy in full body armor shooting random people with an AK47, your little police pistol and baton isn't going to do shit.

And lord knows that shit happens every day. Oh look, there's a guy outside my building with body armor and an AK right now! Help me, police swat super strikeforce omega!!!
seriously though. anyone who doesn't agree with me can go and suck 36 dicks. and then mine, for a total of 37.

if you have a problem with SWAT teams being used then you're a moron. stop talking about your rights being taken away. You still have more fucking rights than anyone else in the world. YOU CAN SUE A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION IF YOU SPILL COFFEE ON YOUR STUPID FUCKING SELF.

As far as I'm concerned, north americans have too many rights as it is. It's about time someone started batting them down off their little ego rights trips.
the thing about AKs is funny

i just re-watched Lord of War, and i couldnt help but think that the part where he gives all those free guns to the African farmers was the one good thing he did for society

imagine if all those soviet AKs, instead of going to terrorists and dictators, went to the oppressed all around the world, and also the general population in America

then you might see some useful change in the world
What's the point of taking any preventative measures? Why do you have home insurance? The chances of anything happening to your house over your lifetime are very slim.

Why did we lock cockpit doors after 9/11? I mean with the millions of flights each year how many of them really get hijacked?
seriously though. anyone who doesn't agree with me can go and suck 36 dicks. and then mine, for a total of 37.

if you have a problem with SWAT teams being used then you're a moron. stop talking about your rights being taken away. You still have more fucking rights than anyone else in the world. YOU CAN SUE A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION IF YOU SPILL COFFEE ON YOUR STUPID FUCKING SELF.

As far as I'm concerned, north americans have too many rights as it is. It's about time someone started batting them down off their little ego rights trips.

apparently people dont have the right to have their door knocked on anymore before police break it down and storm them with guns raised
why spend so much money on anti-terrorism, you have a better chance of getting aids than you do dying in a terrorist attack in the us.
What's the point of taking any preventative measures? Why do you have home insurance? The chances of anything happening to your house over your lifetime are very slim.

The response has to fit the threat. Right now, police departments across the country are buying gear and conducting training without any rational need for either. They're spending money on solutions to problems that don't exist or are statisticly insignificant.
Then we should reform the system, not get rid of it completely.
Where did anyone say that SWAT teams should be completely gotten rid of? Their rising and inappropriate usage is what's at question. They're extremely useful in critical, emergency situations where lives are actually at risk. They shouldn't be used for breaking down the door of senile old ladies who run Bible studies.
just fyi

search warrants do not mean someone broke the law, not even close

And the police have never, ever screwed up on a no-knock warrant and entered the wrong house. That would be impossible, because these guys are infallible and should be trusted with any ammount of authority and power to protect us from international supervillains.
when you say 'people' you mean 0.0001% of the population? ones who break the law? yeah.

Actually 1 out of every 32 Americans are either in prison or on parole. If you factor in the number of people who have been in jail at one point or another, that number probably gets a lot higher.

The prison industry is big business in this country. Don't make the mistake of automatically associating police with morality.