The bodyblock that killed Tribes

One time [KoV]Apothem's dead body tk'd me as I was about to score the winning cap on RC against NuTz for #1 or some shit. NuTz are some lucky f*ckers.
The causality and actions of moments in time can not be thought of in a linear fashion, even though it's a very simple strategy to employ, particularly when recounting events of unfavorable outcome. Just because B follows A does not imply that without A, B could never happen.
High Tolerance vs NuTz, 2001-02-28, TWL
The bodyblock that killed Tribes

High Tolerance was up 1-0 in the match after taking Raindance from NuTz 6-5. Both teams played hard on Rollercoaster and the map ended in a 7-7 tie. During overtime, clamsoda made a clean side grab of the NuTz flag and was safely home, but was bodyblocked by his teammate Bionic just inches from capping the flag. In the ensuing chaos, sKILLz took out clamsoda and returned the flag while PC-Cola grabbed and eventually capped, winning the map for NuTz and forcing the tiebreaking map of Obfuscation.

After High Tolerance went on to lose Obfuscation and the match, Cassiopeia aka SarcaStick posted a thread calling NuTz out for cheating resulting in the cover being blown on what most players had already suspected. The resulting furor over NuTz, cheats, and the release of Tribes 2 turned a lot of players off of Tribes 1 which is why Bionic's bodyblock is claimed to have killed Tribes. If he had not blocked clamsoda, High Tolerance would have won the match and SarcaStick's thread would never have been made.

I think I casted that match and have a recording of it.

And I sure do remember that thread :lol:

Like a moron I defended NuTz and prodded Sarcastick to provide a full demo instead of a 3-second .avi clip.

Boy was I naive.
Haha yea

That was the single most painful match I ever casted.

20 friggin minutes of turtling.

Then on the next map, same thing.

I still haven't forgiven you fuckers for doing that to me :p

It was mad funny though.
cheating fucks got punished, no happy can help you beat a turtle. Bet that ugly ass big flower/flag looked cute on 10 players screens sitting 3'4ths' inside a structure dancing for 20 minutes.