The bodyblock that killed Tribes

High Tolerance vs NuTz, 2001-02-28, TWL
The bodyblock that killed Tribes

High Tolerance was up 1-0 in the match after taking Raindance from NuTz 6-5. Both teams played hard on Rollercoaster and the map ended in a 7-7 tie. During overtime, clamsoda made a clean side grab of the NuTz flag and was safely home, but was bodyblocked by his teammate Bionic just inches from capping the flag. In the ensuing chaos, sKILLz took out clamsoda and returned the flag while PC-Cola grabbed and eventually capped, winning the map for NuTz and forcing the tiebreaking map of Obfuscation.

After High Tolerance went on to lose Obfuscation and the match, Cassiopeia aka SarcaStick posted a thread calling NuTz out for cheating resulting in the cover being blown on what most players had already suspected. The resulting furor over NuTz, cheats, and the release of Tribes 2 turned a lot of players off of Tribes 1 which is why Bionic's bodyblock is claimed to have killed Tribes. If he had not blocked clamsoda, High Tolerance would have won the match and SarcaStick's thread would never have been made.
No, that incident is what made this place.
The fucking drama ran for months and we were like a soap opera.

QIX kilt the bitch.
i had more fun getting high and playing tribes with the nutz/wolfpacc crew than any other

so whatever else, i love them
At least the level of cheating in Tribes was like a factor of 100 less bad than in other FPS's. Hell during the golden age of Tribes there were very few serious and known cheats that were hard to detect.
that was just a nice play by skillz
Thats why I made the .avi, I had/have demos from tons of old school NuTz games for my movie, I just never had time to finish it.
i had more fun getting high and playing tribes with the nutz/wolfpacc crew than any other

so whatever else, i love them
Awww, playing with you was definitely some of my favorite gaming of all time. mHc for life ;)

In T2 happyflag was put in the game to even the playing field, as in, everyone always knew where the carrier was.

(Not that it has anything to do with nofog) - Wolfnutz had a lot of good people though, cheaters or not. Some people can't resist the apple :shrug:

This is old drama, who cares.
nice mortar by skillz

completely missed the flag stand

had he actually aimed and not been too retarded to hit an e-z spot none of this would have mattered
You had a faggot 14 year old running your team, yelling "Viruz Time" a week before a match to make sure the opposing players were fucked on game day. You're team was pathetic.