Star Trek Picard

Bottom line: This is a failed show that has been stricken with bad writing. But there are enough nice moments to prevent it from being an utter disaster. C/ C-
Too early to tell, but yes. It will be hot woke garbage in an attempt to bring in the next generation.. of viewers.
Too early to tell?

How many times are we going to watch a house burn down in the neighborhood with Alex Kurtzman (and company) standing on the lawn with the box of matches before we figure out who the arsonist is?

This guy produces nothing but trash.
I really wanted to like Picard.

I don't hate it, but it's a shadow of what it could have been. Seems more interested in making political statements than driving story and staying true to TNG -- example: in ep 2, the admiral lady literally tells Picard to fuck off and talks about how the Federation is more interested in retaining power than doing the right thing. This is jarringly antithetical to the future Roddenberry created and the entire premise of an 8-year-long successful tv series.

I wouldn't be surprised if the writers of the show had never seen TNG besides the last one or two movies (e.g. virtually every reference is to Nemesis, rather than the series).

/praying for the show to get good.
The evil conservative Trumpian white Admiral just denied Picard another command because he tried to save refugees.

This is the most nakedly subversive leftist space fantasy ever. pathetic. leftists are pathetic!
this may be stunning, but i agree with you....series seems to be pretty bad so Vermouth, really disappointed, it could have been so much better
this may be stunning, but i agree with you....series seems to be pretty bad so Vermouth, really disappointed, it could have been so much better


I have a lot of good memories growing up watching TNG with my dad. I think I'll give Picard a hard pass.
I have not seen it. With this coronavirus panic I seem to have missed all major events. Have you noticed the same? So when was it finally released and where to watch it? Please let me know the site where I can watch it for free. But I am afraid that only paid options are available so far and free ads Fonts Pro. I will search for more information on Instagram.
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I watched all 13 Star Trek movies in order. The TNG movies seem to have a lot of fluff talking, as does the TV series. On the channel H&I, they have Star Trek every night. I've watched all the original shows over and over, but when TNG comes on after it, I barely watch.
Original Series = 79 episodes
TNG = 178 espisodes
Similar for DS9 and Voyager.
List of Star Trek films and television series - Wikipedia
The TNG Movies were boring and lacked the impact of the TOS movies. Even Star Trek V was more memorable than the TNG movies.

I can't even remember the title of the fifth film (I had to look it up: The Final Frontier).

The TNG films were more like television episodes adapted to a two-hour format without commercial breaks. Not terrible, but not memorable either. Ok... some of them were bad, even for television.
I always felt the tng films sold their soul to attempt to be star wars movies...I think the only thing the films had in common with the TV series are the actors. I can’t even say characters because movie picard has almost zero in common with tv picard.

And movie picard is the picard in the picard series...
TNG was cheesy in the sense that all special effects just looked goofy and they used them a lot more often. But that's just an awkward part of 90s TV. The writing was still really good.

With all of this modern stuff it's like people(jews) can't help but to hit you over the head with their politics. They're like children with very poor impulse control. I find myself watching less and less movies and TV shows, and if I do it tends to be decades old stuff on Prime.

A lot more content with much higher production value is being made today, but I don't think much of it will age well and be a gem that our grandchildren will enjoy. Generations in the future will watch the LotR movies and love it, but no one is going to give a shit about the woke race mixed LotR Amazon show they are making.
I always felt the tng films sold their soul to attempt to be star wars movies...I think the only thing the films had in common with the TV series are the actors. I can’t even say characters because movie picard has almost zero in common with tv picard.

And movie picard is the picard in the picard series...

That could very well be.

I think that is a good observation... Star Trek trying to be Star Wars... which explains the 2009 Bad Robot movies and television.

Which is why it is failing/failed because Star Trek fans like Star Trek for different reasons than they do Star Wars.

I liked both. But not because they were of the same stock. Star Trek was alwasy more "science fiction" and Star Wars was "space fantasy"
I always felt the tng films sold their soul to attempt to be star wars movies...I think the only thing the films had in common with the TV series are the actors. I can’t even say characters because movie picard has almost zero in common with tv picard.

And movie picard is the picard in the picard series...

How is TNG tv Picard different from movie/ Picard series Picard?