Star Trek Picard

Feels bad man. To see Star Trek being pimped to appease the literal lowest common denominators in our society such as women, niggers, and faggots.
i mean i admit discovery is absolute trash and a fucking blight upon the name of not only star trek, but television in general

but patrick stewart? really?
Sad to say man but yeah. He is not Picard in his real life. In his real life he is degenerate to the point he makes whoever look like a holy saint. Actors act. It's what they do.

Who would you do first

Beverly Crusher

Kathryn Janeway
Enterprise was cool after I gave it a chance but the STD one is trash city.


1. One lead is a nigger bitch.

2. One lead is a total faggot.

3. Took cannon and dilated with it.

Tells you all you need to know about STD.
ya if its worse than enterprise (not THAT bad) thats sort of where i draw the line... even as a scifi addict :p:

treks are mid range on my tier list anyway.... b5 and lexx ftw! :sunny:
I think its the channel H&I that runs a mini marathon of the different series every night. They start with the original ST, then go to TNG then DS9, STV and i think Discovery or something after that.

I'm kinda geeking on DS9 at the moment. The Dominion is about to attack the Alpha Quadrant and DS9 is going to be involved in a big gnarly space battle and jesus fucking christ i sound like one of the guys i used to give wedgies to for being a nerd. fml
I was really hoping that Picard would be a decent show. Im having doubts at this point.

I am thinking tho I might get DS9 and watch it this winter. I havnt watched it since it was on originally.
yes. every one does.

Quark, Rom, Nogg and every other Ferengi evolve over time.

All the characters do.

Of all the ST series, I think DS9 is best for its character arcs. Especially its secondary characters.