Star Trek Picard

Looks like Guinan will be back for season 2

pretty average premiere - enjoyed parts of it, hated other parts of it - really just felt all too rushed. Hopefully it gets better now that they have set the plot.
what parts did you enjoy? why?

what parts did you dislike? why?

please rewrite and submit by 3rd period wednesday for 75% credit
k enuf trek... its ruined by sjws forever

wat we really need is another and untainted lexx series :boogie:
pretty average premiere - enjoyed parts of it, hated other parts of it - really just felt all too rushed. Hopefully it gets better now that they have set the plot.
Haggis liking something is a red flag for most people.

He loves to eat up garbage tv and movies. Especially loves the woke nonsense.
This shit was written by people who know nothing about Star Trek... or apparently writing in general for that matter.

It only works if you ignore everything they get wrong and force yourself to not think about the details of the story you are being told. Just sit there and enjoy the flashing pictures.

It's like someone who has never played Tribes, telling TribalWar that this game with a jetpack is a good tribes game... despite it having nothing "Tribes" related about it.
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This shit was written by people who know nothing about Star Trek... or apparently writing in general for that matter.

It only works if you ignore everything they get wrong and force yourself to not think about the details of the story you are being told. Just sit there and enjoy the flashing pictures.

dude nobody is going to watch TNG in 2020. and even as a pretty big star trek fan, the bad writing in star trek definitely outnumbers the good. that said, the "they come in pairs" line/plot point made me vomit in my mouth a bit.

the  borg cube  at the end did give me a half chub though.
This shit was written by people who know nothing about Star Trek... or apparently writing in general for that matter.

It only works if you ignore everything they get wrong and force yourself to not think about the details of the story you are being told. Just sit there and enjoy the flashing pictures.

It's like someone who has never played Tribes, telling TribalWar that this game with a jetpack is a good tribes game... despite it having nothing "Tribes" related about it.

what is tribes?
dude nobody is going to watch TNG in 2020. and even as a pretty big star trek fan, the bad writing in star trek definitely outnumbers the good. that said, the "they come in pairs" line/plot point made me vomit in my mouth a bit.

the  borg cube  at the end did give me a half chub though.

It's not about TNG.

It's about Star Trek overall.

This is neither. I'm not expecting them to reproduce a television show from the 60's, 80's or 90's... but this "Grim Dark Future" where everything sucks and your titular characters are all disillusioned and without faith in Gene Roddenberry's optimism for humanity is bullshit. It's not Star Trek. This is a bunch of B-Talent pool writers saying "I don't get Star Trek, don't like Star Trek, never watched Star Trek... but here is what I think should be Star Trek".

But let's put that aside for a moment... and consider that Star Trek or not, this is bad writing in general. It is riding on the coat tails of Star Trek's pedigree.
This show doesn't have enough strong female leads and people of color. Will not watch.