So this is what the Germans think of the USA now

DruMAX said:
Yeah, the oil that we end up buying from those countries doesnt matter...LOL!! My company (american based) have a whole hand book that tells us how we deal with Iraq without dealing DIRECTLY with them. I guess buying it from the middle man is okay...did you read up on all the French / Iraqi oil that floods into our country? Hell who can blame them...we just want the oil are we any different...

Oh yeah, WE want to free those poor Iraqis from an oppressive government...hehe
Man, what a biased fucktard!

You are restating a point that I've made countless times in countless other threads!

Thanks for despising my methods of posting while at the same time expressing my point of view!

Keep up the good work :bigthumb:
Tribal Imperialist said:
Fucking stupid member!

nominated for dumbest member of the year, including last year

and nominated for monthly ban-a-member

Tribal Imperialist said:
Dude, you're a fucking computer nerd sitting 5,000 miles and 60 years from the holocaust, eating cheese doodles/twinkies and playing video games. You have no right to call anyone cowards or weak... just shut the fuck up.

you are fairly funny as i did laugh at what you just said, and yes i have every right.
Tribal Imperialist said:
Fucking stupid member!

nominated for dumbest member of the year, including last year

and nominated for monthly ban-a-member

btw, Fucking stupid Whore Contributor!

saying they'd all be speaking german today, if the thread is about germany is smart?
FngrBANG said:
A) I wasn't trying to dispute what Zuggy was saying

B) I was fucking joking

C) Stop the H8 you homo

You need [sarcasm] tags then dude... because it wasn't teh funnay, sorry :(
FngrBANG said:
Man, what a biased fucktard!

You are restating a point that I've made countless times in countless other threads!

Thanks for despising my methods of posting while at the same time expressing my point of view!

Keep up the good work :bigthumb:

Funny, what I read, you seemed to be blaming these countries of deal with Iraq during sanctions but didn't seem to mention the fact that we do as well...

Oh, and when you state things countless times in countless threads (which we all know is true), it still doesnt hold any validity until I confirm it...Keep up the good work.