So this is what the Germans think of the USA now

we should all become members of the WCOTC since we love these nazi bastards so much.
Actually WW2 was a lot closer than most teenage americans think. If not for Hitler's over-zealous nature, we all might be speaking german right now :eek:

And ZooL, when have the Americans respected anything/anyone? America is the birthplace of capitalism; the country with more enemies than the entire world combined and also the fattest nation on the planet. If they aren't eating themselves into oblivion, they are shooting each other in highschools. America is a nation of untouchable whining kids and spoiled, complaining adults all waiting for what the world 'owes' them.

You have to first understand respect before you yourself and your country can be respected.

PS: Good show on that whole vietnam thing. Who won that by the way?
Fancy Cat said:
hey merlin

do hippies get laid a lot or what

Wouldn't know man... I'm not exactly what you would call much of a hippie. Giga is close, and he gets the black pussay all the time I would imagine, :lol:

These days, I on the other hand, am lucky to get ex-GF action ;)
Joemomma5000 said:
Actually WW2 was a lot closer than most teenage americans think. If not for Hitler's over-zealous nature, we all might be speaking german right now :eek:

And ZooL, when have the Americans respected anything/anyone? America is the birthplace of capitalism; the country with more enemies than the entire world combined and also the fattest nation on the planet. If they aren't eating themselves into oblivion, they are shooting each other in highschools. America is a nation of untouchable whining kids and spoiled, complaining adults all waiting for what the world 'owes' them.

You have to first understand respect before you yourself and your country can be respected.

PS: Good show on that whole vietnam thing. Who won that by the way?

I love Joe. LOVE. Be mine, please?

Joemomma5000 said:
when have the Americans respected anything/anyone? America is the birthplace of capitalism; the country with more enemies than the entire world combined and also the fattest nation on the planet. If they aren't eating themselves into oblivion, they are shooting each other in highschools. America is a nation of untouchable whining kids and spoiled, complaining adults all waiting for what the world 'owes' them.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel you ignorant, biased, overly sensitized wah-baby?
That's like me saying
If you're not American, then you hate us, you are jealous of us, and you pray for the day that our system of government collapses in on itself--but if you could get a work/education visa--well then, that might be cool.
FngrBANG said:
Why don't you tell us how you really feel you ignorant, biased, overly sensitized wah-baby?

No problem with that when it comes to puke up propaganda on a daily basis...
FngrBANG said:
Why don't you tell us how you really feel you ignorant, biased, overly sensitized wah-baby?

Don't associate your de-sensitization as me being over-sensitized. How am I Wah'ing?? Geez Americans can't take the slightest criticism! RESPECT IS SOMETHING TO DEMAND! NOT EARN!

Am I biased? Pfft who isn't. Even god was. Adam gets a whole body and eve gets a rib? What kind of bullshit is that.
France don't want to fight a pointless fucking war, they're cowards.
Germany doesn't agree with the US, they're cowards.

What the fuck.
I think it's funny watching tw opinion turn around and snarl at the latest country to disobey :lol:
Al'Muktar said:
France don't want to fight a pointless fucking war, they're cowards.
Germany doesn't agree with the US, they're cowards.
I thought it was the money & the oil that those guys were affraid of losing...
FngrBANG said:
I thought it was the money & the oil that those guys were affraid of losing...

You gotta remember that US public opinion has absolutely no relation to any concept of "truth," but is merely a reflection of whatever news network you watch/which party you belong to.

What a lovely fucking country :lol:
Joemomma5000 said:
Adam gets a whole body and eve gets a rib?
This part belongs in a religion thread...

As the word 'rib' was interchangable in Hebrew with 'side'--as in, a side from man was taken & made into woman.
Joemomma5000 said:
And ZooL, when have the Americans respected anything/anyone? America is the birthplace of capitalism; the country with more enemies than the entire world combined and also the fattest nation on the planet. If they aren't eating themselves into oblivion, they are shooting each other in highschools. America is a nation of untouchable whining kids and spoiled, complaining adults all waiting for what the world 'owes' them.

Capitalism is ancient. I wish we could take credit for it, but alas...
Joemomma5000 said:
Don't associate your de-sensitization as me being over-sensitized. How am I Wah'ing?? Geez Americans can't take the slightest criticism! RESPECT IS SOMETHING TO DEMAND! NOT EARN!

Am I biased? Pfft who isn't. Even god was. Adam gets a whole body and eve gets a rib? What kind of bullshit is that.

Ahahahaha. This is great. Finally someone else gets up the ballz to say what I have been saying since shortly after sept 11th.
