So this is what the Germans think of the USA now

Al'Muktar said:
You gotta remember that US public opinion has absolutely no relation to any concept of "truth," but is merely a reflection of whatever news network you watch/which party you belong to.

What a lovely fucking country :lol:
I was paying more attention to the contracts and transactions that France, Germany and Russia had been conducting during the last decade of U.N.-sanctioned trade restrictions with Iraq.

But hey, if your version has more validity then I'll take it!
Fancy Cat said:
ex sex is the best

Not when you aren't getting any other sex either. I dunno... sex isn't as fun for me when I'm not in love with the person I am having sex with.

I'm wierd... I know.
ZugZug said:
Capitalism is ancient. I wish we could take credit for it, but alas...
Yeah, I know. Those damn neanderthals and homo erectus' and their damn trade agreements :rolleyes:
FngrBANG said:
I was paying more attention to the contracts and transactions that France, Germany and Russia had been conducting during the last decade of U.N.-sanctioned trade restrictions with Iraq.

But hey, if your version has more validity then I'll take it!

It's no wonder we can knock out Iraq's or Serbia's Air defence system, since the french and russians helped build em :lol:

FngrBANG said:
Yeah, I know. Those damn neanderthals and homo erectus' and their damn trade agreements :rolleyes:

Fngr, ur a fucking retard. The one time ZugZug speaks truth instead of conservative propaganda... and you try to make it seem like he was saying something completely wrong/different.

God ur a troll. And bad at it too. "Lemme just attack anything in this thread, rawr"

FngrBANG said:
I was paying more attention to the contracts and transactions that France, Germany and Russia had been conducting during the last decade of U.N.-sanctioned trade restrictions with Iraq.

But hey, if your version has more validity then I'll take it!

Yeah, the oil that we end up buying from those countries doesnt matter...LOL!! My company (american based) have a whole hand book that tells us how we deal with Iraq without dealing DIRECTLY with them. I guess buying it from the middle man is okay...did you read up on all the French / Iraqi oil that floods into our country? Hell who can blame them...we just want the oil are we any different...

Oh yeah, WE want to free those poor Iraqis from an oppressive government...hehe
The US doesnt BUY oil from Iraq, they buy it from countries who buy it from Iraq, then we blame THEM for going around sanctions.

The US doesnt SELL Iraq Oil Tools, We sell them to other countries who in turn sell them to Iraq them blame the other countries...yay!!
Merlock said:
WTF litter-box breath... fine don't choose me as your friend... see if I care... :mecry:

any sex is good sex


and no, i choose u as my less handsome funny smelling slightly gay nemesis

sry br0 :]
Fancy Cat said:
any sex is good sex


and no, i choose u as my less handsome funny smelling slightly gay nemesis

sry br0 :]

You have a PCI smell-card hooked up to your comp? l33t ;)

And I guess as long as I am only slightly gay... :p
ZooL said:
Hope your happy you fucking jerry cowards, If i were in charge i would have let the russians kill of your entire fucking country.
to bad we stopped them from raping ALL! of your women. you fucking weak ass fucks the only people you can kill good is helpless fucking jews. the weak sponge of the world.

These krauts got alot of fucking nerve

Dude, you're a fucking computer nerd sitting 5,000 miles and 60 years from the holocaust, eating cheese doodles/twinkies and playing video games. You have no right to call anyone cowards or weak... just shut the fuck up.
Merlock said:
Fngr, ur a fucking retard. The one time ZugZug speaks truth instead of conservative propaganda... and you try to make it seem like he was saying something completely wrong/different.

God ur a troll. And bad at it too. "Lemme just attack anything in this thread, rawr"

A) I wasn't trying to dispute what Zuggy was saying

B) I was fucking joking

C) Stop the H8 you homo
Bitrot said:
Ungrateful bastards. If it weren't for us, they'd all be speaking German today!

they are all speaking german today, it's germany...