So...I found a dead dog in my backyard.

I'd make a coat out of your dogs if they killed my dog.

If a dog got into your yard, what makes you think your dogs can't get out of the yard and do this again off your property?
Yesterday, my step sister had a little kid over at her place. The dog bit the kid in the face.. he got a few teeth through his lip. They took the dog outside and shot it with a shotgun.
You're going to have to kill the vet that does the autopsy too.

Better title.

So ... my gardener found a murdered dog in my backyard.

( how can I get out of this with less than four homicides? )

This city doesn't even do autopsies on homeless people, I think they're safe :)
uh... i would be searching all over your yard looking for where this dog got in and close it up right away.
Dalmations are mean ass dogs. People think they are the cute dogs riding on fire engines, but in fact they spend most of their time dreaming of ripping out your throat.
This city doesn't even do autopsies on homeless people, I think they're safe :)

Why would they? The person was homeless for a reason - no one cares about them. It'd be an outright crime to waste public money on determining the cause of death of a person no one gives a fuck about.

In fact, they should really go the extra step and not even bother removing the bodies, just leave them to rot where they are. No one cares about homeless people, they're homeless because no one cares about them. They don't even care for themselves, otherwise they'd have gotten a job and bought a home.

It's best that homeless people die somewhere that no one can see or otherwise find the body. I move we create living mosoleums for these people to just wander into, then we don't have to deal with their poor asses standing out in the streets stinking the place up. Then when they die we can just leave the bodies where they were.

See? Housing crises and homeless thwarted in one thread. I am a fucking god.
Better set those dogs loose on your gardener before he talks to the neighbors when they come around asking if anyone has seen a terrier.

You might not have done the morally correct thing, but I think you made a good choice. Dealing with your grieving neighbors would probably not be very fun. Just make sure that the gardener doesn't f things up for you.
lets pretend that ur dalmations mauled their baby intead of the terrier. would u tell them? even if the stupid toddler was encroaching on ur packs territory?

dont tell em
lets pretend that ur dalmations mauled their baby intead of the terrier. would u tell them? even if the stupid toddler was encroaching on ur packs territory?

dont tell em

if you let your human baby crawl out of the house and through a fence next door, then, well, you probably are mexican
A few minutes ago my gardener (he's legal, I can show you the papers) told me there was a dead dog in my backyard. I found this odd since I just locked up my 2 dogs (Dalmations) in the house 5 minutes previously.

I went outside there and found a dead Terrier. My best guess is that our dogs killed it when it snuck in, since they've killed everything from Raccoons to Cockatiels. They're nice dogs, but they lay waste to anything that enters the backyard but have never been vicious to a person or other dog.

I call animal control and find out that its the neighbors dog. At first I was going to tell them but then I reconsidered and told the shelter to pick it up. From my limited knowledge of my neighbors, there would probably major 'issues' if they knew what happened (even though the dog went into our backyard).

So now, it was 'hit' by a car a block away and animal control is picking it up.

Also TW lawyers, would I be liable at all for any of this? I mean, it is quite possible our dogs were attacked first.

nope, if the dog truly wandered in to your backyard before it died, all liability falls into the owner who actually let their dog wander around like that

natural selection at its best
Dogs tend to leave their master's home just before dying. The dog probably knew it's time was up and wandered off. If you don't believe me watch the movie Marley. Boss came home from work and found his old dog in the canal behind his house.