So...I found a dead dog in my backyard.

they may have a strong case in court against you if they find out the truth. An incident very similar to this happened to my grandmother when I was a kid. My aunt was at her house, with her 2 year old beast pitbull. Her upstairs neighbor's dog walked down the stairs towards the backyard and nudged my grandmothers door open. My aunts pit got up the moment she smelled the other dog and took off after it. She grabbed its head and crushed its skull.(this dog was maybe 20 pounds).

The owners of the dead dog sued my grandmother and tried to have my aunts pit put down. They almost lost if not for the fact that the neighbors dog was technically INSIDE of my grandmothers house and thats pretty much fair grounds for dogs 2 murder another dog.

Which is kind of similar to your case except for the fact that you are lying to cover what really happened. No matter how it gets spun or what the truth really is, you are automatically looking guilty having tried to cover it up and also by not going to the neighbors instantly and telling them what happened.

Well I'm glad your grandmother didn't get sued, but I never even came close to lying to anyone about what happened. I just told them I have a dead dog in a bag and you can pick it up at location X. I was never asked what happened, and I don't think the dispatcher much cared.
in a perfect world you wouldn't be liable for anything and the owners would understand it was their fault for their dog getting out

but we live in AMERICA! Where it's NEVER the moron's fault!

I probably would've done exactly what you did and I would feel bad about it but in the end it's just not worth all the bullshit that would probably come down on you for trying to do the right thing.

They would probably
A) try to sue you
B) try to harm your dogs for revenge
C) vandalize your property somehow

all before just taking responsibility

This is exactly what went through my mind as well.
You could be liable for the cost of the dog.

Your dogs could also possibly be labeled as vicious. Which is giant pain in the ass ... so much so that most dogs labeled vicious are just put down by their owners because of cost.

So ughhh try not to tell anyone.

You're in luck because I did my thesis on vicious dog laws. :D

Thanks for the info.

I'd hate to have to put my dogs down, but if one attacked a human I'm told you pretty much have to put them down if there's legal action against you.
Man, now I am hungry.

I've been having trouble with homeless people sleeping on my stairway at night. They are leaving a mess. I think I am going to leave a cup 1/2 filled with piss out there tonight.

So this is my plan:

(1) get a generic cup.

(2) get some Fox Barrel black currant cider.

(3) drink it. Piss in the cup about 1/4 full and leave it out there with some other minor trash.

(4) see what happens.
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i hope you feel absolutely terrible, but i think you made the best choice

if that makes sense
Man, now I am hungry.

I've been having trouble with homeless people sleeping on my stairway at night. They are leaving a mess. I think I am going to leave a cup 1/2 filled with piss out there tonight.

So this is my plan:

(1) get a generic cup.

(2) get some Fox Barrel black currant cider.

(3) drink it. Piss in the cup about 1/4 full and leave it out there with some other minor trash.

(4) see what happens.

get one of those high pitched noise generators and tape it under the stairwell

also the piss thing
Get rid of the murderous dogs. You will be in for it when a kid accidentally kicks his ball in your yard and the gardener informs you he has found a dead kid.
I'm going to use use a peach drink bottle to hold it. It's made of glass so I figure if it gets thrown, it will cause sharp shards of glass on the stairway and landing.

I got a supermarket bag and put an orange in it with part of a nutri bar. I also spread a used cigarettes pack out there and two butts.

I put a gallon milk container in it too that was empty.

I want to make it look like there is still edible food that was saved by another homeless in a plastic bag for later consumption. Into this is where I will put the bottle of piss.

I am now cycling Fox Barrel Black Currant Cider through my system.

The squirrel is resolute!
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I'm so glad I really dont have neighbors.

People dont want their dogs to get killed then they need to make sure they watch them. Thats what leash laws are for.
i know you feel bad and technically the "right" thing to do is tell the truth, but the way things are now in america it will bite you in the ass and you'd wish you didn't

just stfu and feel bad for a few days, but know that in the end you did nothing wrong
I wouldn't tell them if I knew I could get away with it. If you feel they will make your life difficult best avoid a nasty situation.
in a perfect world you wouldn't be liable for anything and the owners would understand it was their fault for their dog getting out

but we live in AMERICA! Where it's NEVER the moron's fault!

I probably would've done exactly what you did and I would feel bad about it but in the end it's just not worth all the bullshit that would probably come down on you for trying to do the right thing.

They would probably
A) try to sue you
B) try to harm your dogs for revenge
C) vandalize your property somehow

all before just taking responsibility

Thank you for saving me from having to type this out. At least he has a good conscience, but we live in America, where no good deed goes unpunished.

Think of it this way, they'll be better off knowing that the dog got hit by a car. Sure, there will be a few weeks of sadness, but then they'll be able to let it go and you won't be known as the guy that killed their dog for the rest of your life.

win/win for both of you.
You're going to have to kill the vet that does the autopsy too.

Better title.

So ... my gardener found a murdered dog in my backyard.

( how can I get out of this with less than four homicides? )