Semi-Hot chick/Boston Marathon Bombing Costume/Internet Rage/Noodz

22? She's probably squeezed out 2 kids by 2 different fathers by now, at least one of whom is black. It is Michigan after all.

Hmmm, confirmation?

You can laugh with rape, murder, car victims but omfg not with the boston bombing because we all saw that on tv!
Nobody gave a shit when Hulk Hogan trashed the World Trade Center.


It's not like she killed anyone. I'd suck her Boston Bombers.
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What a disgusting homo jew hypocrite. He won't tolerate a word against butt fuckers or kikes.
I'm from MA and I laughed when I saw the pic. Her tits are gross tho, I think she was a former fatty that lost weight.
cant believe she got the sack - wtf does this have to do with the quality or output of her performance at work.

stupid fucking reactionary society just cos some numb cunts are all upset and offended

people need to turn their fucking social bullshit and interweb off if they dont like looking at things that offend them

saggy tits for her age too she is pretty chubby, bet she was a lot fatter

she obv fucks her dog too