Quake Champions - Debut Gameplay Trailer

how about giant bomb? i watch most of their reviews/quick looks just to get an idea of all the games coming out.

If i remember correctly, one of their main dudes jeff gerhstman(?) is well known for leaving/getting fired from one of the big games review company because they tried to influence him as a reviewer and he refused.
so google "giant bomb sellout" then... and it looks like they got bought out, by cbs... who owns gamespot aka #1 sellouts, maybe tied with ign.
yeah they were bought by cbs and are in a cbs building. they always talk about construction going on on other floors nearby.

I dunno, I listen to their podcasts / youtube videos. Tough to fake reviews when they're doing commentary/reviews conversationally off the top of their head. and jeff gherstman hates pretty much everything that isn't retro or from japan through some weird import
they're all garbo.
i try to watch vids of the thing by random people if i'm curious.

i remember monster hunter (original) getting like 6.5 from gamespot. that was when i realized what i like is what i like and not to really put much value in any kind of review.

i also remember chromehounds getting terrible scores.

now that monster hunter has a bit of a western community of course every release starting from tri is like auto 8+ from everywhere. and everyone is a big fan and so on. it's like how in the past when a new tribes is coming out suddenly all the reviewers are big fans and have all this history to talk about and how important tribes is and so on lol.

its all a bunch of horseshit. we live in a weird world where some people are more interested in eating another persons shit than tasting the thing themselves and trusting their opinion.
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[3:34 PM] Speedbot: how to become janitor at quake champions ��
[3:39 PM] Speedbot: who is robot? doesn't look like sorlag to me, possibly tank jr?
[3:41 PM] omelette247: they mention him
[3:41 PM] omelette247: its not tank jr
[3:41 PM] Speedbot: Reflex Jr
[3:45 PM] RaveHeart: His name is clutch.
[3:45 PM] RaveHeart: They mentioned it in an interview.
[3:45 PM] RaveHeart: I honestly like the name clutch.
[3:45 PM] RaveHeart: But yea sort of looks like Reflex Jr.
[3:46 PM] RaveHeart: Wouldn't be surprised if he'd be the enemy model everyone uses.
[3:55 PM] SyncError: Glad you like the name. :)

so basically that character gets cpma movement
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