Quake Champions - Debut Gameplay Trailer

that is anarkis sk8board and im wondering if it counts as a moba ability

cuz 1 dood has a charge ability similar to d3's barbarian as can be seen in the video

also i wonder if in 1v1 u can just turn off the moba abilities for comp mode

if so then u have a real quake game cuz it looks like strafe jumping is in there

i hope i get early access
looks like shit...

verifying with best game reviewer guy...

mac has spoken... therefore shit.

and haggis, u think all games are great, so your opinion is irrelevent.

cliffs: this isnt quake anymore. they shouldnt call it quake. it ruins the entire franchise.
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Mack's "worth a buy" reviews... The only person to trust in FPS.



I thought I was going to disagree with him on Overwatch.. but he was right again.
hes srsly like the only reviewer i trust at the moment.... every1 else is a fuckin sellout that gives 10/10 for every AAA puddle of bantha piss
his review is of a cgi trailer....i wonder what he will say about the gameplay trailer

i too thought the cgi trailer looked like shit. but the gameplay trailer looks great
why does every game type have to have special abilities now? what cancerous think tank put this design model into developer's heads?

i agree with this angry guy's rant.

This is probably just someone messing with Unreal Engine but I'd play the hell out of this over their "Quake Champeons" game.
Looks fantastic. Everything looks and moves just like a Quake game. I'm going to buy this game.

You do know it's a class based shooter like TF2/Overwatch/Lawbreakers right?

I don't blame them for trying something new though, I mean there's like less than 300 players playing q3 and quake live as of recently.
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You do know it's a class based shooter like TF2/Overwatch/Lawbreakers right?

I don't blame them for trying something new though, I mean there's like less than 300 players playing q3 and quake live as of recently.

The first trailer alluded to that. You can tell from the physics and speed in this video though that it's going to feel like a Quake game, and that's what's important.