[pirates]something doesn't seem right about this story...

they ahd to go there to refuel i guess. the wife twittered that they were worried about it as well.

refueling a sailboat? i realize the have aux gas motors, but if you could skip it with a few days of dead winds, i'd pass on somalia
Seems like the pirates may be changing their code of conduct.

Or they could have been batshit scared because they had a fucking destroyer tailing them and had no idea what to do about it.

In my mind, I picture some US soldier sliding slowly up behind one of those pirates and slicing his throat like a pig.

They should have just done it to them all and that would be that.

In other news, this shit happens because we as a nation allow it to happen. We've gotten soft. to quote Herodotus, "From lands which are not rugged, rugged men are not apt to come forth" We are too squeamish at the thought of some good, old-fashioned, archaic violence and we think we can simply talk and be friends with everyone.

The proper solution is to talk and be friends with those who can deal with us on that level. Dispute about fishing rights off the coast of Norway? International commercial arbitration time. Bust out the lawyers, we can solve this problem like civilized people and get a result that works for both of us. Somali pirates require a different tack.

We captured these guys. They will likely be tried as criminals in some American court and given life in our prison system - which is a fucking posh life of luxury to these people. What we should do is torture and kill all of them but one.

Take them one by one and impale them upright on stakes up through their assholes and into their guts. They will try to keep themselves up on their tiptoes but as their strength goes, they slide farther down onto the stakes and impale themselves further. They die in shit and blood and pain. While doing this, find out what their home port is.

Take the remaining Somali who has seen this all go down, then castrate him, gouge his eyes out and cut off his hands, taking special care to leave his tongue intact. You want him to talk.

Then send a few missiles into the home port, and chopper the now emasculated worthless husk of a pirate in the rubble to tell his people why the shit came down on them like the wrath of an angry god.

Piracy problem fucking solved.

I think the pirates can do pushups though....
What were they doing sailing in pirate infested waters anyway, of all the places to go float in your boat they thought it was a good idea to hang out off the coast of Somalia?

Now if you signed up for one of those reverse pirate hunting excursions that Russians set up that could be understandable.

I heard on the radio that they were 200 miles from the Somali coast.
refueling a sailboat? i realize the have aux gas motors, but if you could skip it with a few days of dead winds, i'd pass on somalia

The thing is there are a bunch of on board appliances that need electricity to run. Refridgerators are notorious for draining the batteries. Beyond that these guys were old and used to luxury. As such they were probably running a generator so they could have an air conditioner going.

Anyway if they didn't have a generator on board they'd have to run the engine every now and then to top up the domestic batteries. I haven't had a look at their tweets or blog or whatever, but my guess is they'd recently transited the suez canal and were looking at a decent chunk of blue water sailing through the indian ocean.

It's generally good seamanship to fill up the tanks before you embark on an ocean crossing. It's also very likely that they stopped in djibouti not only to refuel, but also to take on more fresh water, and restock their food supplies.
I found this story very enjoyable. These fucking idiotic bible-thumping do-gooders got exactly what they deserved.
If Obama does nothing about this I will vote republican.

Fuck this. Obama better do something.
Er, we could get a bunch o "Bubba's or a "Tyrone" tah butt fuck em first.
Broadcast da vid in da region.
Den do da "Vlad the Impaler" thingy.

Gee, hopes Obama
Lashes da U.S. Navy havz sum funz.

Sew dem monkeys kry "Mama"! :signed: