[PICS] TW, I, myself, present myself [PICS]

are there any other sites like that? it seems like everytime someone posts something from there it's either the stuff of creepy, goths or naked people: of which, i am neither.

edit: wow, 14 million+ pieces is impressive, though.
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deviant art sucks, seriously. You're going to get way better feedback from TW than a site whose fame has been built upon the penis posturing of any idiot with access to photoshop.
TimTheEnchanter said:
you apparently don't understand the basic concept of art dating back to monet and impressionism (or earlier, by some accounts; goya, delacroix and, to a degree, even rembrandt broke free of classical traditions of form and color.) now if you want to suggest that my painting sucks, feel free. however, don't be an idiot and stick to a sense of what makes good art that's outdated by a century and a half. you only look like a bitter dickhead when you insinuate that monet, seurat, and van gogh sucked.

p.s. i have done many pieces (and posted some of them in the past) that have looked quite realistic and recieved nothing but praise. in fact, as you seem to be the type of person to put stock in this sort of thing, they have even one a few local shows. however, this was, as i posted earlier, an experiment for me because, if nothing else, the purpose of art is learning and exploring what is (and is not) aesthetically and emotionally pleasing. regardless of what the final product looked liked -- and i don't boast that this is some masterpiece -- i found the result very fulfilling.
:lol: what?

where does he say anybody but you suck?
TimTheEnchanter said:
are there any other sites like that? it seems like everytime someone posts something from there it's either the stuff of creepy, goths or naked people: of which, i am neither.

edit: wow, 14 million+ pieces is impressive, though.
A MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better place to go for real art crits is the Penny-Arcade Artist's Corner forums. Seriously, it's a lot like eatpoo, but I can personally vouch for the improvement that PA:AC has made in myself and especially in some other artists that have posted there over a period of a couple of years.
ChowTOdust said:
:lol: what?

where does he say anybody but you suck?
i inferred it (perhaps it wasn't actually there) because he made it sound like achieving realism was the ultimate goal of art and dismissed any notion of artisitic style. i know there are people who still ignorantly hold to their classical artistic beliefs and i figured he was one of them.

also, thanks for the recommendation mr_luc. i'd love to see some of yours if you ever feel like posting. (or what's you name on penny arcade?)

edit: i'm friendly with two art school graduates and the director of the art department at queen's college who have been invaluable with real, solid criticism. i just like getting honest feedback (and no one can accuse tw of being overly kind) from a different assembly audience sometimes.

i'd love to see some of yours if you ever feel like posting.
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The orange and purple makes it look kind of weird

It's certainly not -perfect-, but I think you are definatly on the right track. If you keep with this style (ie. practice it more) I bet you could do some great stuff
i like impressionistic works, but the orange and green kind of confuses me. makes me think youre sick and/or lost or troubled :shrug:

you need a hug? :kiss:
eggo said:
i like impressionistic works, but the orange and green kind of confuses me. makes me think youre sick and/or lost or troubled :shrug:

you need a hug? :kiss:
close enough. i was going for suppressed and complacent vivacity and certainly a bit lost (but who isnt't); i'll say the "woah" look wasn't so much of an accent (though, i didn't really think of it as the keanu reaves one). so i was looking for the conflict that seems to have come across, if a bit muddily.

my art is a bit emotional and depressing so that i don't actually have to be. isn't that the idea?
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pretty nice

while i dont really like the whole impressionistic era i know my art teacher would orgasm over paintings like yours, so i guess keep it up