[PICS] TW, I, myself, present myself [PICS]

i hate the "you couldn't do better" logic in any discussion. if you don't like the way it look, that's entirely acceptable. this was an entirely different approach than i've taken on pretty much any pictures in the past (minus a couple of still lifes that were a little impressionist.

it was an attempt at balancing form and purpose that succeeded in some respects and failed in others. i lost some of the form of my face, and, although i achieved the exact character i wanted with the colors, still lost some a whole lot of my actual face. that's what makes van gogh's portraits so perfect.

it was an attempt to balance classical ideals (which i usually stick to out of fear in terms of form) and modern ideals in the same areas.

i'm generally happy with the result, but everyone can feel however they want about it.
Tim the Enchanter said:
it was an attempt at balancing form and purpose that succeeded in some respects and failed in others. i lost some of the form of my face, and, although i achieved the exact character i wanted with the colors, still lost some a whole lot of my actual face. that's what makes van gogh's portraits so perfect.
Quit thinking and paint :p But yea, I like your painting, it's always good to branch out and try different styles. I still couldnt do better, I paint like shit.
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i've taken many advanced art classes. I'm not the greatest artist, but I realize how much hard work goes into a good painting, and how much of a good painting is due to talent. Good Job.

And here's a picture of Tim just before he turned a random item into something extremely handy and relevant.