News: Tribes With a Vengeance

OK I'm excited but with some reservations. Dynamix invented Tribes and I felt T1 and T2 have a distinctive feel. I look at the screenshot and I feel UT2k3 but it's very early in development and I'm sure it will change some. I just hope they capture the sprit of Tribes. Also the armor does look like a robot instead of armor in my opinion.

My biggest concern is part of the game will be given less attention. Multiplayer is the meat of Tribes and I want it to be advanced, not a multiplayer equal to what we have just tacked on to a decent single player game. I hope that they strive to advance both parts of the game and not just provide a cool single player experince and a average MP one.
Looks like complete and total ass. I would really REALLY love to see anyone do harvester with the unreal engine. If there's one thing Unreal's engine can't do, its nice looking terrain. Agreed that T2's depth perception sucked ass, but at least the terrain rocked.
Kelster said:
System Shock 2 and Freedom Force were great games. I could imagine Irrational doing another excellent SP within the Tribes universe.

Floating bases! :]

I agree. A kick-ass SP will be awesome. Remember first playing Half-Life? That shit rocked!

But they need to not allow access to the MP until the player has completed the SP story-line. That way they can build anticipation of joining the on-line worlds into the story and help insure the newbs are less new.

And you fucks bitching about the heavy armor... wtf? What crack j00 smokin'? Those armors are fucking perfect! Think carefully about how a suit of battle-armor with support systems would look. There should be no skin, limbs nor eyes exposed.

As soon as I saw the pic I creamed my jeans and lamented the fact that the final in-game models never look as good as the concept art. :(
nspectre said:
And you fucks bitching about the heavy armor... wtf? What crack j00 smokin'? Those armors are fucking perfect! Think carefully about how a suit of battle-armor with support systems would look. There should be no skin, limbs nor eyes exposed.

As soon as I saw the pic I creamed my jeans and lamented the fact that the final in-game models never look as good as the concept art. :(

How about the fact that it looks nothing like tribes?
4th Page

Oh, and the armors look funny. I don't like the feet.
Grass is good, but it doesn't seem to have much detail.

It's a gangsta spinfusor.
And why does the chick have zippers on her breasts? Are they slots for additional silicone or something?

Seriously though, I don't really like the light armor design. It's too simple - it might be okay for the whole "sport" look, but Thrax said they weren't aiming for that... I always imagined tribals with pockets everywhere for ammo and shit, a comm device around their neck/head and grenades strapped all over. Kind of like an actual army Ranger, but with cool looking straps & pockets, a cool futuristic helmet, and metal army boots :eek:
That just looks like a latex porno shoot gone bad.
Actually, I think what bugs me is that there is no belt. Wtf, you need a belt for all the ammo dude!
Oh yeah, that, and the boots are a bit too blocky.

However, I guess it means we'll be able to customize the players more since it would look really bad to have 18 people with all the same faces (hey, it was okay before cos you couldn't really see much of their faces anyways... :eek:), and that can only be a good thing.
And you gotta remember this is just one model from what appears to be the starwolf (the star thingy on the boots and the color scheme looks about the same), or maybe some SP specific model (there's a name in there, so it might also be the mandatory hot babe).
Just wait for a recognizable (ie: we can really tell what tribe it's from) model before you pass any judgements :eek:

I don't really like the colors on the heavy.
But hey, phoenix always looked ghey.

I really like the look on the structures though.
Those doors look awesome. I can't wait to see llamas get crushed by one (if indeed they move and don't just stay open like that).
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Sir Lucius said:
05:16:06 <@KineticPoet> The terrain is flat in some areas becuase we want people to make good use of the grappling hook.

First thought: drooling over the potential to fly down a hill, hook onto a wall and make a 90 degree turn...

Second thought: the homing missle will still get me
I can't help feeling a little disappointed.

I guess this new game will be a more marketable form of Tribes, but I can't help feeling like there's very little Tribes stuff here.

We've got a singleplayer game, which hopefully will be great, but I certainly didn't expect to be the game's centerpiece, and we've got the multiplayer that we're all clamoring for sounding like it's some sort of side-project like the multiplayer in old FPS games from 1994.

Hopefully the Unreal engine should serve us well, though I've never seen it used to create a truly tribes-like feel to a game.

This is all of course just me being a negative nellie.
PS: I hope they don't fuck the jetpack up. Except for that base concept art, I don't see any use of the jetpack in these pics. Hell, I don't even see where the jetpack is.