News: Tribes With a Vengeance

lol this makes sense tho, the whole singleplayer thing. I guarentee the opportunity for a totally different fps singleplayer appealed to irrational games who probably have been itching for another inovative fps since System Shock. I would also bet that singleplayer is prolly what got the dev team onboard, not multiplayer. Kinda ironic :p
Ahem, GOOD (not T2-like) vision and feel of depth and sharp terrain is what I am hoping they can achieve with the engine. I can even imagine them succeeing in making it right now that they announced stuff.
So uhh... where's the rest of the screenshots? And ummm... how will they make Unreal engine render huge landscapes without the game being more of an FPS hog than T2 already is?
PenguinOfDoom said:
So uhh... where's the rest of the screenshots? And ummm... how will they make Unreal engine render huge landscapes without the game being more of an FPS hog than T2 already is?

ut2k3 engine can handle big landscapes, some of the big ut2k3 ctf maps are like that. Without a noticable loss of fps, i might add.

look how depressing tribes2 looks...


It's gotta be the colors.
Da_Timsta said:
ut2k3 engine can handle big landscapes, some of the big ut2k3 ctf maps are like that. Without a noticable loss of fps, i might add.

Oh. I gave up in disgust and deleted the thing before I had the chance to see that.
"So we were thinking about the how we could finally identify if it was a female or male using that heavy armor. Someone came with this idea and we were like "rawr" and that was it."

Looks f'ing amazing! I cant wait, freakin out freakin out! I hope they don't screw it up, but i also trust them to make somthing awsome!!!! :::::::::)
looks good...if it were to be leased tomorrow.

for a last 2004 release, i wory that the graphics coul;d be a bit more cutting edge... because a game with identicle graphics, AA and ut2k3, are already out.

also, one thing i hated about other unreal based games were that the engine hated it when you walked on slopes or tried to walk up an incline..with t:v, i hope this is fixed.

oh and someone else said it too, doesnt look too ski friendly...

oh well, models look great