New Exciting Star Citizen Thread

I'm glad they finally got alien languages into the game. I used to be a skeptic in regards to that stretch goal.

those bitching about the dev timeline of SC need to put things into perspective.... heres a few: diablo3 took 10 years to make, no man's sky 8 years... both games have about as much realizable assets as a space station in SC.
no mans sky was a 4man team without $35m in the bank after year 1. let's compare a 4 man team working in their spare time for a year to a team that after a year has all of $35m to invest in their development because that makes sense?

diablo 3 was basically scrapped and remade from the ground up multiple times afaik and had the clout of being the #1 PC selling IP of all times with a billion dollar publisher backing it. were they collecting money for d3 during the entire dev cycle?
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I just cant wrap my head around these dumb assholes hoarding and collecting this shit, spending a shit ton of money. I dont care if some of them can afford it or not (CCs r great). But its not even real stuff.

Fuck, youre less of a retard asshole if you are an adult and collect my little pony dolls (not really but almost)

The sheer stupidity of these people almost triggers me. Now i must go to my safespace in the real tangible world.
no mans sky was a 4man team without $35m in the bank after year 1. let's compare a 4 man team working in their spare time for a year to a team that after a year has all of $35m to invest in their development because that makes sense?

diablo 3 was basically scrapped and remade from the ground up multiple times afaik and had the clout of being the #1 PC selling IP of all times with a billion dollar publisher backing it. were they collecting money for d3 during the entire dev cycle?

15 not 4
Hello Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and they had plenty $ already. NMS isnt their first game. and its not their "spare" time, wtf made you think that... theyre all full time employees and former industry doods. you seem to believe NMS is some highschool homework assignment or some shit... star citizen started small also btw.

as for d3, that team was collecting money from blizzard. i dont think thats relevent to the point, nor is their launch day #s... im talking about game complexity relative to dev time here... btw it cost over 100mil to make d3. more than what has SC collected so far... plus im sure SC has alot in the bank.
I just cant wrap my head around these dumb assholes hoarding and collecting this shit, spending a shit ton of money. I dont care if some of them can afford it or not (CCs r great). But its not even real stuff.

Fuck, youre less of a retard asshole if you are an adult and collect my little pony dolls (not really but almost)

The sheer stupidity of these people almost triggers me. Now i must go to my safespace in the real tangible world.

nah, you should be happy. it benefits society for idiots to throw their $$$ away and back into the pot so long as said $$$ ends up in the hands of better people.
Even in a worst-case scenario SC has enough work done that even if it goes belly-up that some publisher can swoop in, buy everything, and turn it into a functional game (even if it won't be everything originally promised). :weird:
15 not 4
Hello Games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and they had plenty $ already. NMS isnt their first game. and its not their "spare" time, wtf made you think that... theyre all full time employees and former industry doods. you seem to believe NMS is some highschool homework assignment or some shit... star citizen started small also btw.

NMS was a 4 man team until they ramped it up late in production. heck their entire studio was 4 ppl up till 2013, so yeah i'm sure they were just swimming in cash

The game's original prototype was worked on by Hello Games' Sean Murray who wanted to create a game about the spirit of exploration. Development expanded into a small four-person team prior to its first teaser in December 2013.

and yes it was worked on in their spare time. you're the one citing an 8 year development. the game was formally announced at the end of 2013. so 2014 till now is 2.5 half years. a big chunk of that 8 year dev time was done unofficially as a spare project. who knows what else they worked on then that hasn't come to light
only the first year was "spare time" then full time since. it doesnt say anywhere when that started tho. and the company was larger than 4 back then.....

With the success of Joe Danger and its sequels, Murray was able to spend a few days each week for about a year to develop the core engine of No Man's Sky in secret from the rest of the team. Once the engine was completed, Murray brought in a small four-person team to work on the game directly, while Joe Danger 2 was being developed by the rest of the company. They worked in a spare room, lining the walls with science fiction imagery to help inspire them. Their work was kept in secrecy from the rest of the development team, leading to some tension within the offices, though Murray had done this specifically after seeing how small exploratory groups did not work well at Criterion Games. Further, Murray was concerned about describing the game too much, and fears that even teasing about the title would lead to misconceptions about the scope and nature of the game. Ultimately, Murray was encouraged by Geoff Keighley to premiere the title at the 2013 VGX awards,[41] and in preparation, created the short teaser which they shared with the rest of studio days before the awards show. As development continued, more of the team was brought on board to help complete the game, with the final team being composed of thirteen members
did you guys see the 3.0 demo?

I really wonder what tech they're using, I didn't see one load screen from top to bottom, no instancing bullshit, I'm actually excited. flew in from space, docked, walked around, flew back out into space, shot some ships, evad and shot people, took a speedracer from the destroyed ship by opening the cargo, came back into the main ship, came back to the planet. insane

3.0 is supposed to release in oct..
ya it sounds like they handed that off to some shitty 3rd party whose only merit was knowing the cry engine... thats the sort of bad decision a big corp with too much $ would make :shrug: