My State is on FIRE!!

Tell them that COVID masks are protection from smoke and to go take a nature hike to see the fires.

or even better, forest fire smoke cures COVID.
My job just shipped out 2 Firehawks for Cal-Fire and 2 for LA County. We are building the rest as fast as we can haha

Here is that Vina aircraft right before we shipped it out.


Your state is on fire
With what's to transpire
Hot as a fever
Rattle of bones
I could just taste it
Taste it
If it's not forever
But there's just tonight
Oh we're still the greatest
The greatest
The greatest
Your state is on fire
Your state is on fire
With what's to transpire
And you
Your state is on fire
With what's to transpire
I don't get why people are surprised. We get no rain during the summer. Happens every year. Just be smart and live not somewhere that's in the hills where fires happen. EVERY FUCKING YEAR. If you live in the hills prepare for RIP house. The end.
Or maybe California could allow safe and sane power transmission guidelines from the rest of the world.
In this thread we read
how compassionate Californians
Love their neighbors and want to help them
Live & Stay in
The Burning Fields
I'm in that area too. It just started smelling smokey as fuck this morning.
First morning it is cool enough to open up my house, and I can't because of how campfirey everything is outside.

Thankfully it is only going to be in the mid to upper 90s today and not 104. :lol:

It's cali's own fault.

Stop bitching and start voting.

It took me a good 10 min to find this video. Used to be number 1 hit when you searched 'Engineered Drought'.

Now i had to go to duckduckgo to find it.

And they turned comments off and won't allow me to save it.

It's clearly too much truth for woke google/youtube.