Mexico to sue the u.s. for not letting people break the law..

DwarfVader said:
Are they entering the country against the laws of said country? Have they been warned time and time again that entering the United States that way is not only illegal but dangerous as well?

It's a fucking invasion, not all invasions have to be violent. And the fact that Mexico wants to SUE us because we don't want their dregs of society crossing into our country is fucking retarded. They know their country sucks, and their goverment is so fucking corrupt that they think that their poor people coming here is a good thing.

Fuck Mexico.

adj : involving invasion or aggressive attack; "invasive war"
[syn: incursive, invasive]

Sorry, don't see any agressive attack going on there.
RamataKahn said:
adj : involving invasion or aggressive attack; "invasive war"
[syn: incursive, invasive]

Sorry, don't see any agressive attack going on there.

that's because you're a moron.

An invasion doesn't have be be militaristic. It is merely "the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful"

There isn't any arguing that illegal immigration isn't hurtful.
They are rather spread out at the moment. And we can't just start killing people that try to cross the border even though that would probably make things easier.
Stilgar said:
I forget who the commentator was on CNN, but he said, and I paraphrase - The berlin wall worked pretty well during the cold war...people that weren't supposed to immigrate, didn't.
I was peeing that A) I half assed support that and B) How fucked can we be to act like the russians with our problem solving skills and call ourselves - the beacon of democracy at the same time & C) That I half assed support it?

Make english the OFFICIAL language - seven language ballots, no drivers license tests in any language other than english, same thing with any governmental paperwork.

Pretty simple. We stop calling ourselves the beacon of democracy.
I got sick of the process and went home. I also got sick of american women but that's a different story.

My take on the immigration process 1998 - 2004 = pre 9/11 "fuck off white boy we know you will vote conservative" Post 9/11 = "Hey boy we got ur prints 5 times already? Cool! now go get 5 medicals, now get printed a couple more times ($$) now we will approve your original application but it will take 936 days sorry.

Fuck that shit. It wasn't even funny after 5yrs being in the system.
Tribal Imperialist said:
Have you ever heard of posse comitatus? Probably not, because you're a stupid fucking hick.
You obviously don't even know what the posse comitatus act even includes. Probably because you are an even dumber hick.
Data said:
It could be argued that the sort of blatant, widespread illegal immigration we're seeing from Mexico right now is a form of invasion.

You are so correct. And it's only started within the last 2 years or so. I didn't see NEARLY as much coverage of this issue on FOX before. Gotta hand it to those guys, they are quick to start covering a new trend the fucking MOMENT it starts.

Let's declare war on Mexico next, seeing as how they are invading us. Fallujah, Basrah, Baghdad, Kurkuk, and other [strike]cities[/strike] world powers never did that. The minute we are finished toppling those world powers, then bring peace and stability to Iran, North Korea, Rwanda, Kirkmenistan, Malaysia, Bangledesh and a few others, Mexico is gonna fucking go DOWN.

Data, I gotta tell you, if nothing else, you do keep us entertained.