[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Oh, I must have missed your crazed posts against Democrats/liberals/progressives.

that is what cael meant by being consistent

that article has got the best words

at times i think the author might be a member of these very forums

Even though Adams is nearly 60, everything he writes brings to mind the type of pseudo-intellectual The Simpsons parodied with Comic Book Guy — a thoroughly mediocre man who fancies himself an intellectual by extension of having bad hygiene and a repellent personality, the type who clogs up video game forums with the same sort of non-arguments and logic games that clog up the Dilbert blog.
liberals claimed trump campaigned on fear tactics

now they are running around claiming trump is going to round up all Muslims and gas them in death camps

why do they think this?

because of a 90 day travel ban from 7 terrorist countries applying to 15% of the world's Muslims.

thanks libtard logic

Thanks for making my case further by posting this excellent example of a pseudo-intellectual CD victim trying to shout down rational arguments by cherry-picking blog-posts and adding his own subtext to fit his narrative that people he doesn't agree with are racist nazis.

Adams finally crossed into insanity in June 2016 when he sarcastically endorsed Hillary Clinton out of supposed fear for his life. He wrote that Clinton’s new strategy of attacking Trump as a racist demagogue was “likely to trigger a race war,” an always-wrong prediction beloved by neo-Nazi groups, and that in such a scenario he would be a “top-ten assassination target.” So Adams endorsed Clinton for his own personal safety, a fake-out so transparently stupid that it could only impress fans of Dilbert. While Adams remained careful not to say anything outwardly racist, this rhetorical move — painting oneself as a victim of censorship and violent retribution for vocally supporting white supremacy — is a favorite of figures like neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, who tried and failed to achieve martyrdom after a punch grazed his cheek at the inauguration protests. The next month, Adams complained of receiving “a lot of direct and indirect death threats,” a claim that recently dethroned “I got hacked” as the go-to response for wannabe trolls who dish it out but can’t take it. He went on to accuse the Clinton campaign of orchestrating a race war through attacks on police officers, saying that “the police shootings and the recent uptick in domestic racial violence are mostly Clinton’s doings to win the election.”
