[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Quite the intelligence source that doesn't know the difference between a jail and a prison :lol:

Do not doubt the second hand hearsay that verifies everything we know about how little we know about what non-illegal activities are possibly or not possibly transpiring.
Lunatic fascist dictator is so out of control I'm glad the NSA is abusing its power for our side.
US intelligence disagrees, the investigation is ongoing. This thing going to go away. We're aware that you wish it would, but it's not going anywhere. We need to know what the president knew, and when he knew it.

You forgot a word there, Chief Wigwam.

I don't care if it goes away, the conclusion will be the same for this investigation as it was for the last one and however many more investigations your backwards SJW libtard buddies want to waste your time and our money performing. Have fun.

You know what else isn't going away? The Clinton investigation. LOL did you think we'd forgotten? Except, here's the kicker... the DOJ that would prosecute any crimes emerging from either of these investigations, yours and mine -- which one do you think they would move forward with, and which do you think they'd find "no evidence of criminality" on?

Think about it. Get back to me.
Yes, it is.

'Progressives'... aka... commies / socialists are all about Big Gvt (Nanny / Welfare State)... their 'God'. You should know this being one yourself.


Fascists need 'big government' too, dude. Hippie communes seem to manage without it. Again: it's not a left/right thing. If you refuse to learn anything else, at least figure that out.

lol, u dumbass. I'm a Libertarian, which to the mentally challenged, that = GOP

...and yes: to the mentally challenged, Libertarians = GOP, which explains why you may equate them. People of average intelligence and above however might notice that you guys actually have a party called the "Libertarian Party", which is different to "Republican Party".