[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Let them drink bleach if they want.
Laws only need to protect people from other people; not from themselves.
Let them drink bleach if they want.
Laws only need to protect people from other people; not from themselves.

^ this*

* torn on this though... big pharma and other companies manufacturing products absolutely need to be held liable for their products in the context they are knowingly putting something bad on the market
True.. but everyone has known.. since like the old west.. that opium was bad news.

Putting it in pill form is beyond fucking stupid.

What's next? Someone going to put meth in a pill and give it to kids?
^ this*

* torn on this though... big pharma and other companies manufacturing products absolutely need to be held liable for their products in the context they are knowingly putting something bad on the market

Big Pharma needs to be curb stomped.

1. Allow people willing to be test subjects to new drugs just fucking do it. There are so many cancer saving drugs in "the system" yet will not allow dying people to try them. Fuck you

2. Costs are mainly dictated by the Pharma companies to recoup the amount of so-called testing. Again, Fuck you
Big Pharma needs to be curb stomped.

1. Allow people willing to be test subjects to new drugs just fucking do it. There are so many cancer saving drugs in "the system" yet will not allow dying people to try them. Fuck you

2. Costs are mainly dictated by the Pharma companies to recoup the amount of so-called testing. Again, Fuck you


Do not like how they price gouge either

think they spent nearly 1/4 billion in lobbying last year

speaking of that:

30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown

whose dime is this?

all while Citizens voted for security of the Nation

and democrats cry about federal workers missing a paycheck
My bad. There really is only the Trump party vs the rest of the fucks anyway


guess im one of the 'rest of those fucks'

good with that. have come to despise democrats greatly since the election of owebama (and the republicans were weak during his terms) and now watching all this shit unfold after electing Orange Hitler

fuck them all