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Senator under misconduct probe resigns, majority leader says | The Kansas City Star

A state senator who was under investigation following allegations of improper conduct has resigned days ahead of the start of the legislative session.

Sen. Kevin Ranker, a Democrat from Orcas Island, sent a letter to Gov. Jay Inslee's office late Friday saying that he was resigning "with a heavy heart." He wrote that his resignation was effective immediately. The 105-day legislative session begins Monday.
USA Today titles article as follows:
Take this, Trump: More cities add Obama's name to landmarks, highways

Why is that not lumped in the opinion section due to the headline?

when this happens in colorado it works like this:

c springs names a bridge or a park after some republican hero who defended freedom and laid waste to degenerate a-rabs, mongoloids, and slavic commies

pueblo names a place where they hope to one day have a bridge or a park after some degenerate a-rab, mongoloid or slavic commie (i.e. JFK) in a tit-for-tat retaliation

c springs ppl only notice if this is explicitly pointed out by a puebloan b/c most humans hold their breath and close their eyes when driving thru pueblo

pueblo continues 2 have no economy and is mentioned only when there are articles about the uss pueblo, which was aptly named if u think about it

cliffs: cities naming things after obama will wind up as trophies for kim jong un's collection
the last us nigger navy is lying @ the bottom of pearl harbor b/c niggers can't swim even if u give them yppl names like "arizona"