[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

That motherfucker used the EU anthem as his theme song when he was elected?

Kalergi cha cha cha.

he cares a lot about the french people

Will Westcott 🎄❄️ on Twitter:



Germany backs Macron’s call for EU army as Trump goes on explosive rant | World | News | Express.co.uk

jew don't say........jew don't say

rumor is that the guys in the red arm band are already mercs for hire

which explains a lot given what i was watching last night and their brutality

when in doubt about a frenchman shooting his own people....just hire africans, muslims, or germans i suppose

where failtowel with his trump only at 50% approval rating bullshit?


hold my beer barkeeps.....

18% was best case for Macron before this weekend

this is what DIVERSITY looks like

says the stupid fedora wearing neocon boomers


Just sipping my soy at the local coffee shop while reading reddit and posting on r/pols about how much we need a new antipopulist hero in the us

Socialism it works so great in france

More migrants more socialism more Soros

Just drink that soy and take the Soros bucks

Just sipping my soy at the local coffee shop while reading reddit and posting on r/pols about how much we need a new antipopulist hero in the us

Socialism it works so great in france

More migrants more socialism more Soros

Just drink that soy and take the Soros bucks


my barkeep and barista congressperson says YES

to that dress