[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Macron Heralds The End Of The Union

Can Macron allow for French people to be killed in the streets? Almost certainly not. There’ll be pitchforks and guillotines. The only way out for him, the only way to calm things down, may be to announce his resignation. The French don’t fool around when they protest. And who’s going to be left to drive the reform of Europe then? Not Merkel, she’s gone, even if she wants to be German Chancellor for three more years. But then who? I’m trying to think of someone, honest, but I can’t.

It’ll be quite the day Saturday in Paris.


protests: Police clash with protesters in central Paris as 300 are arrested

About 89,000 police were deployed across the country, of which about 8,000 were deployed in Paris to avoid a repeat of last Saturday's mayhem when rioters torched cars and looted shops off the famed Champs Elysees boulevard.







It's contagious

Clashes as yellow vest protests grow in Belgium and the Netherlands - CBS News

BRUSSELS -- Belgian police fired tear gas and water cannons at yellow-vested protesters calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Charles Michel after they tried to breach a riot barricade, as the movement that started in France made its mark Saturday in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Protesters in Brussels threw paving stones, road signs, fireworks, flares and other objects at police blocking their entry to an area where Michel's offices, other government buildings and the parliament are located. Brussels police spokeswoman Ilse Van de Keere said that around 400 protesters were gathered in the area.

About 100 were detained, many for carrying dangerous objects like fireworks or clothing that could be used as protection in clashes with police.

The reasons for the protests are not entirely clear. Neither Belgium nor the Netherlands has proposed a hike in fuel tax -- the catalyst for the massive and destructive demonstrations in France in recent weeks.

Hungarian unions protest plan to relax labor 'slave law' - Washington Times

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - Hungarian trade unions on Saturday protested a government plan to raise workers’ allowable overtime from 250 to 400 hours a year and the relaxing of other labor rules meant to offset Hungary’s growing labor shortage.

The government says labor flexibility is needed to satisfy investors’ needs - like those of the German car companies whose factories help drive Hungary’s economic growth - and to allow workers looking to earn more to work longer hours.

Union leaders said that what they call the “slave law” proposals reflect the intention of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government to boost companies’ profits at workers’ expense.

Laszlo Kordas, head of the Hungarian Trade Union Confederation, told several thousand protesters that Hungarians were working “at Europe’s lowest wages.”

Beside the increase in allowable overtime hours, which is the equivalent of adding a full day to the working week, unions are also the objecting to the extension to three years from one year of the period employers get to settle the payment of accrued overtime.
bone spurs

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, who knows.

I'm more forgiving of someone who chose not to go and open admits that (whether the bone spur thing was true or not) they did, in fact, not serve, than I would someone who didn't go but then openly lied about having gone.