[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

They need to deflect from the fact that Clinton was working to promote trump before the Russians were working to promote trump.

Dems just don't want to admit that we have trump as president because first they chose a shitty candidate (Clinton) and then they worked to promote trump because they thought Trump was the best chance for their shitty candidate to win.
Wasn't the big e-mail "hack" of the DNC basically some moron with "passw0rd" as his password?

Podesta sent his user name and password in clear text to a bunch of his staff over email. And yes, the user name was just jpodesta and the password some variation of "password". Guy is just as technically inept as Clinton.
the headline is a joke. even if "the russians" were involved in the email hack,
they didn´t "promote Trump" , they exposed the DNC / Clinton / Podesta.
(of course this lead to Trump being more popular, but the headline is still shit)
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even the cuckiest tabloid (Der Spiegel) in Germany, the home of cucking, had to admit that Trump would most likely be the better choice for Europe since a war with Russia would affect Europe the most.
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately strategy - Salon.com

the russians wanted trump. the democrats wanted trump. the democrats and russians collaborated to get trump elected. logic. #realnews

Republican Donald Trump, a far-right demagogue who campaigned on a slew of bigoted, xenophobic policies, has won the 2016 presidential election in a shocking victory few people predicted.


Well that article is off to a great start. DT is NOT far right, lol. Far right would be the *religious* right (and doesnt make them any more 'racist' than say... black church goers).
Get that Israel-first, neocon whacko Bolton in there and add in this oil CEO and it sure looks like draining the swamp is going just as I predicted. :lol: Trump suckers.
Get that Israel-first, neocon whacko Bolton in there and add in this oil CEO and it sure looks like draining the swamp is going just as I predicted. :lol: Trump suckers.

Bolton isn't going to be Sec State. This Exxon CEO is. He's not a career politician, so that counts as a swamp drain. Don't think the Labor Sec is a career politician either. Otherwise, putting ex Marines in key posts counts as a swamp drain as well. He's had to appoint a few politicians to keep the important Republicans happy though.
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Sure it does. Draining the swamp by appointing the guy who bribed the politicians in the first place. :lol: Trumpster logic.
Podesta sent his user name and password in clear text to a bunch of his staff over email. And yes, the user name was just jpodesta and the password some variation of "password". Guy is just as technically inept as Clinton.

that isn't correct - he clicked a phishing link in an email in his gmail account
Sure it does. Draining the swamp by appointing the guy who bribed the politicians in the first place. :lol: Trumpster logic.

You know that's what Trump did as well, right? That's what every businessperson does. Instead of that person being a politican, it's the businessperson... and that counts as 'draining the swamp'.
Yes, I understand that the Trump mania revolves around a personality cult for this narcissistic buffoon and so you'll never admit that Trump's administration will consist of him enriching himself and filling the swamp as much as possible. That was my prediction originally and that's why I supported Trump. He's going to flush America down the sewer with his "deals".
Trump's very cool and gracious and nice as long as you don't criticize him. If you do, oh boy. I love how the guy who was elected because he's for the working man called all the Carrier workers lazy fucks because the union leader called Trump out on his bullshit claims. :lol:
Trump's very cool and gracious and nice as long as you don't criticize him. If you do, oh boy. I love how the guy who was elected because he's for the working man called all the Carrier workers lazy fucks because the union leader called Trump out on his bullshit claims. :lol:

No, he didn't do that? He called out their leadership.

"Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!"
"If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana. Spend more time working-less time talking. Reduce dues"
Nope. He said it's their own fault their jobs were being sent to Mexico because they're lazy. Trump's cabinet is starting to look delectable. You've got a literal climate hater for the EPA, a big capitalist who hates workers for Labor, a wrestling magnate :)lol:), a few Goldman-Sachs executives and then sprinkled in a whole bunch of rep/Trump donors. #DrainTheSwamp! #MAGA! :rofl: