[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


shirts off bros, solar roads are here

hope you guys buy life insurance

cause we going intergalactic in no time

Chris Wallace: Donald Trump Is Acting Like He Is "Kind Of The Commander-in-Chief Already" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Chris Wallace: Donald Trump Is Acting Like He Is "Kind Of The Commander-in-Chief Already"

'Fox News Sunday' host Chris Wallace told network anchor Shep Smith on Friday that it looks to him like Donald Trump is effectively the president already. Wallace said that Trump has done so much more than president-elects generally do before their term begins that he is giving off the impression that Barack Obama has retired early.

"He’s almost more the president than the president is," Wallace said.

"He’s not waiting until he actually takes the oath of office on January 20th," he concluded. "He’s kind of the Commander-in-Chief already."
More fake news.

A lot of "A senior official said..." and "intelligence agencies claim..." in that article. Which senior official? Which agencies? Seriously NYT, you're done. You're nothing more than rumor mongers. Besides, even if the RNC was also hacked, which I would say is probable, it's doubtful that they were doing shady things or colluding with the media for the sake of Trump.
But but but...! A senior official said so!!!

Actually it's more like this:


National-Socialism is an anti-capitalist ideology. Nationalists generally lean towards socialism, because capitalist dog eat dog garbage doesn't work when you want to have an advanced civilization with a national identity.