[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I cant believe the media is still trying to push this Russian hacker narrative

According to a "super secret" CIA report (yes, the same CIA that said Iraq WMD's were a 'slam dunk') that's so secret only CNN, NYT, MSNBC, Washington Post, have access to it!
Trump did more winning earlier......

"Dow Chemical will 'invest in a new state of the art manufacturing center in Michigan,' CEO Andrew Liveris announces; says decision due to President-elect Trump and his policies"
My stocks are up 28% since the election. Jobs already being created or saved in the US. Hell even news from Europe shows people growing some balls. Politics versus business. I see a major shift in world politics happening and the man hasn't even been inaugurated yet.

I think the western world became complacent and scared to step on anyone's toes. I hope that ends and soon.
Jobs are being created by tens of thousands in engineering. I have been looking all year and found nothing as an engineering technologist mechanical, and since the election had 6 interviews (said no to 5)
It's amazing they are still trying to push the Fake News narrative and tie it into Russia.

Let it go, the election is over. Recounts arent going anywhere either.

The economy is responding to it accordingly. Now begins the erasure of 8 years of owebamanomics and his shitty legacy of divisive racial politics.


this is getting desperate

just wait until march, and the trump admin will do all the hard work of digging up and airing their dirty laundry 4u
RNC probably had nothing in their emails besides "OMG WE HAVE TO STOP TRUMP" which would have helped Trump even more if they had been released, lol

But NYT is a "fake news" source so it's probably all made up.
Log In - New York Times

so russians hacked RNC but didn't release anything...of course the "explanation" is that there wasn't anything to release

but it will be interesting if stuff gets released after Trump takes office

More fake news.

A lot of "A senior official said..." and "intelligence agencies claim..." in that article. Which senior official? Which agencies? Seriously NYT, you're done. You're nothing more than rumor mongers. Besides, even if the RNC was also hacked, which I would say is probable, it's doubtful that they were doing shady things or colluding with the media for the sake of Trump.
Then 10 other sites copy the same article and BS source and spread it around even more.

10 sites are all reporting it, it has to be true, right? Nope, they all copied the same story from the same bogus source.
Log In - New York Times

so russians hacked RNC but didn't release anything...of course the "explanation" is that there wasn't anything to release

but it will be interesting if stuff gets released after Trump takes office

yeah, "high confidence" means we don't really know shit. but it's enough to throw into an msm article and convince the likes of you. first we fell for the false flag narrative that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. now we are going to fall for obama's false flag "russia did it" narrative so the stupid people will want to go to war with russia. real smart.
haha, this should make heads explode......

"Sources: Donald Trump expected to nominate Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as secretary of state next week - NBC News"
poor romney

now dems can add big oil to their list of current buzzwords, they haven't been using that one as much as they used to