Marine writes letter to Senator Feinstein entitled "No Ma'am"

Anyone who dismisses the 2nd amendment is equally retarded.

Like 90% of Europe?

I think it's time that the second amendment is dismissed, and I'm not retarded.

Driving is not a right, it's a privilege. . .rednecks seem to have absolutely no problem with that precept, yet get bafflingly huffy when someone suggests we treat firearms the same way.
Registration doesn't actually solve anything.

Just as it doesn't solve fatalities involving Cars.

People who intend on engaging in violence using guns are not going to be courtesy enough to first register them. Those that have an impulse to harm people using a gun are not going to magically be stopped because they registered it previously.

Here in Canada, we spent over 1 billion dollars creating a "long gun registry".... and after all the time and money spent on it.... did it stop an asshole psycho from shooting dead 4 RCMP officers? The worst fatality event in RCMP history? No. Despited being physically barred by court order from owning any firearm what-so-ever... despite searches of his residence for firearms legal or otherwise... a guy still gets his hands on a fully automatic rifle and guns down 4 officers who discovered a stash of 20 Pot Plants in a barn on his property.

So I don't see how a "Registry" prevents evil and tragic events like the slaying of 26 school children... it's just a knee-jerk reaction to a situation society has no ready made answer for.

It frightens us as a society to think that evil shit happens and we can't explain, predict or control it. We feel better believing that we have the power to prevent chaos. It's unnerving to think that shit just happens because evil exists in the world. So we have to do something, anything, to reassure ourselves that we are not powerless. It makes us feel better, feel safer.

Having said that, I don't see why so many Americans are hell bent on maintaining the 2nd Amendment above so many other things when more then 90% of 350 million Americans have no use or proper need of a Semi-Automatic Long Gun and the absence of which would hardly affect their lives in the least bit.
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Just as it doesn't solve fatalities involving Cars.

So I don't see how a "Registry" prevents evil and tragic events like the slaying of 26 school children... it's just a knee-jerk reaction to a situation society has no ready made answer for.

It's not a knee-jerk reaction, because as the owner of 17 guns, I've long advocated gun registration, and tighter regulation.

Imagine for a moment if driving were a right. . you don't need to pass a driving test, you don't need to have license plates, you just get in and go. Having to pass a written test, a driving practical, and an eye exam saves millions of lives. In Holland, you have to sign up for lessons and complete an entire driving course before you're issued a Dutch driving license. This is a case of government acting responsibly, and lives are saved because of it.

I believe that gun-registration, tighter controls, and a ban on burst/auto-fire weapons in the USA are needed measures at this point. While I believe that better attention need be paid to people's mental health, I don't accept the argument that the reason that the uniquely American problem of mass shootings is because we're just crazier than the rest of the world. European gun laws, and the statistics that accompany them, need no explanation.
The second amendment says arms are necessary for the security of the free state, not the security from the state. People who argue otherwise are simply trying to close off debate about the costs of such lax firearm safety laws by redirecting it into a mindreading-dead-bodies contest.
no, the 2nd amendment is pretty clear.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
It's not a knee-jerk reaction, because as the owner of 17 guns, I've long advocated gun registration, and tighter regulation.

Imagine for a moment if driving were a right. . you don't need to pass a driving test, you don't need to have license plates, you just get in and go. Having to pass a written test, a driving practical, and an eye exam saves millions of lives. In Holland, you have to sign up for lessons and complete an entire driving course before you're issued a Dutch driving license. This is a case of government acting responsibly, and lives are saved because of it.

I believe that gun-registration, tighter controls, and a ban on burst/auto-fire weapons in the USA are needed measures at this point. While I believe that better attention need be paid to people's mental health, I don't accept the argument that the reason that the uniquely American problem of mass shootings is because we're just crazier than the rest of the world. European gun laws, and the statistics that accompany them, need no explanation.

We created a 1.1 Billion dollar Gun Registry ... and we scraped it. Why? Because everybody, even those who initially advocated for it admits that it just doesn't work at solving the problem it was designed for. It's just more bureaucracy. Wasteful bureaucracy.

I'm all for certification, education and control... but that's not the basic concept of a Registry which is merely a list of "John Smith owns a Long Gun, Serial Number 123ABC". I just don't see how that helps prevent tragedy. Drunk Drivers kill hundreds of North Americans every year.... practically all of them are "registered" to drive, which means they had to pay their fees, prove competency in the law with a test and many of them were educated by instructors on the proper use of an automobile... and yet, people still die.

You might say, fewer people die, and you're right... but here's a real world example from my own life regarding the firearm debate;

For a brief time I had this co-worker... he was a new guy on the job, and we had him behind the auto-parts counter, but what he really wanted was to work in Hunting, because we sold firearms. He was qualified for the job. He was a licensed and certified Gunsmith in Alberta. He had the documentation and education to not only possess firearms, but sell and fully service them. Way more then any regular John Smith would need to be to simply buy a firearm for personal use.

By all accounts... he is, on paper, the last guy you'd expect to go out and murder his mistresses husband according to your argument... but that's exactly what he did... and he even bought the Hunting Rifle from my store! Legally having passed all the requirements that the bureaucracy of our shiny 1.1 billion dollar Gun Registry demanded.

He then took his new gun, walked out the door and killed a man with it. Why? because he was a fucking nutjob as it turns out and the kind of person a Gun Registry is supposed to keep guns away from.... and that's why we scrapped the Long Gun Registry (though not specifically because of this murder).

Me personally? I think a firearm puts a lot of responsibility in the hands of an individual. There's a lot of potential for harm and tragedy... even when in the right hands. So, personally, I think it's fair that people should be expected to prove that they are at least competent and responsible enough to own a gun before being allowed to purchase one.

However, a Registry isn't going to solve the kind of problem people think it will. I think people are just using the recent tragedies in the news as a springboard for agenda's not related to making society safer from pyscho's going on a shooting spree and killing innocent people.
and the 9th and 10th too?

no it is a right we allowed them to take from us 'for the greater good'.

You're always bringing this type of argument and it's because you don't know what rights are.

Rights are legal protections, they have to be enshrined in law.

You seem to think that the 9th Amendment grants you other rights. It does not. The ninth amendment is just an explanation of how to interpret the constitution.

And the tenth amendment is just a limit on the powers of the federal government, it holds practically no legal weight.

Unless a law states you have the right to something, you don't have it. There is no right to drive.
the database will only lead to future restrictions and fines for gun owners (I don't own any), this is what the government does
Like 90% of Europe?

I think it's time that the second amendment is dismissed, and I'm not retarded.

Driving is not a right, it's a privilege. . .rednecks seem to have absolutely no problem with that precept, yet get bafflingly huffy when someone suggests we treat firearms the same way.

tell me how you equate 2nd amendment rights with driving. Is my freedom of speech and freedom of religion also the same as driving a volvo around town?
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If we put this thread on a giant treadmill, would it still take off every few days like it has been for the last 3 weeks?
tell me how you equate constitutional rights with driving. Is my freedom of speech and freedom of religion also the same as driving a volvo around town?

I'm saying that owning a gun should not be a constitutional right, and am a supporter of repealing the second amendment. I'm saying that the US needs a firm gun registry, and the successful completion of a firearms course before you can own any gun. I don't think the general public needs to own semiautomatic, burst fire, or automatic weapons. I don't know how I can be more clear.