Marine writes letter to Senator Feinstein entitled "No Ma'am"

Those Founding Fathers were such jokesters when they wrote the Constitution.

I love how people ignore the entirety of human history when arguing against it. This time it will be different!
If we're not prepared to protect the most violent, are we prepared to stop them? Unfortunately, it's human nature. Ultimately though, I agree with his sentiment.
hey bros turns out i want to rebel against old music, old video games, and old rights

lets trample them into ground and only cling to the ones that 'we' like for our new government :0

honestly more power to you, but their is a process for it, stop taking shortcuts and use it :)
Even if I didn't have a problem with this proposed law, which I do, what exactly does this do to prevent anything?

All this does is make law abiding citizens go through that many more hoops to own a gun. If someone's going to shoot up a school or go pay their boss a visit while packing heat, has fuckall to do with someone with the intent of acquiring an illegal firearm to engage in illegal activity.

I mean I guess that a bunch of liberal pussies need to do something to make these senseless deaths mean something, but beating law-abiding citizens over the head repeatedly is beyond reproach.