Independent Music

other than being informative, pitchfork is pretty gay, i regularly disagree with their record reviews

for instance, one of my favorite belle & sebastian albums, the boy with the arab strap, got like a 0.8/10.0 which i didn't understand, it's pretty good if you ask me

and that was back in like 1998 or 1999, they're still gay and elitist to this day
i agree about pitchfork, i ignore all their reviews. i love the somethingawful parody of it, hehe.

but still, you should at least know about it.
i agree about pitchfork, i ignore all their reviews. i love the somethingawful parody of it, hehe.

but still, you should at least know about it.

yeah i've seen that, it's funny

the thing about pitchfork is whatever they say is good will become popular, it's as simple as that

they're the judge and they can sentence the band to popularity or to be cast away to nowhere and never gain any hype
cool haggis, one of my best friends lives there. He goes to St. John's. We will probably get the scoop from him, but if something happens and we can't figure out where to go, I'll PM you or something.
for instance, one of my favorite belle & sebastian albums, the boy with the arab strap, got like a 0.8/10.0 which i didn't understand, it's pretty good if you ask me

I've never been able to respect them after I found out they gave Zaireeka a 0, because the reviewer found it too difficult to play all four discs at once. But I do check out the bands on their lists and suggestions if I haven't heard of them already.
Just got Today:

Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Air - Pocket Symphony
The Bird and the Bee - The Bird and the Bee
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone

Just got Today:

Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Air - Pocket Symphony
The Bird and the Bee - The Bird and the Bee
Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden, I Miss Everyone


I like the Explosions in the Sky album. Not sure yet how I feel about Arcade Fire's new one, but it took me awhile with "Funeral" too, so I'm giving it a chance.
I absolutely love (Antichrist Television Blues), even if Win does sound a lot like Bruce Springsteen. The rest of the album has some ups and downs, but overall I like it more than I dislike it. I wish something would grab me like Tunnels did the first time I heard it. This will either be the type of album that grows on me more and more, or one that I forget about three months from now. I hope it has staying power.

edit: Also, the new Andrew Bird album is fantastic (but not quite as good as his previous one). Worth checking out for anyone who has any interest in his music.

Andrew on Noggin
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