Independent Music

I should have put those three letters together. I honestly gave my Bloody Valentine a good try. I liked a lot of the bands they influenced (like Jesus and Mary Chain), but I could not get into them. I don't hate them, but I just can't get into them. I respect them, that's for sure.

I'll have to borrow that DVD from my one friend. Everything I read pointed to malkamus and his girlfriend/wife, so it will be interesting to see how it is presented on the DVD. I agree, though, that he made up a lot of the "coolness factor" of the band.

I'll go find that EP this weekend.
Did you buy the reissued Wowee Zowee album? From what I hear it is pretty awesome.
I'd recommend I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness. But I guess most people have heard (of) them already
I should have put those three letters together. I honestly gave my Bloody Valentine a good try. I liked a lot of the bands they influenced (like Jesus and Mary Chain), but I could not get into them. I don't hate them, but I just can't get into them. I respect them, that's for sure.

I'll have to borrow that DVD from my one friend. Everything I read pointed to malkamus and his girlfriend/wife, so it will be interesting to see how it is presented on the DVD. I agree, though, that he made up a lot of the "coolness factor" of the band.

I'll go find that EP this weekend.
Did you buy the reissued Wowee Zowee album? From what I hear it is pretty awesome.

My brothers got that reissue. I think ill grab it this weekend. I always got hell for thinking that was one of their better albums.
I honestly had never heard of Pitchfork. It looks like a great site. I'll have to check it out.

If this site raves about the New Pornographers, I'll have to BURN IT DOWN. (I don't like those guys.)
Momus is awesome. I also just heard them last week from the same friend, oddly. Are you Joe?


Momus is one man, Nick Currie. He's a blogger and writer for Wired magazine.

His early stuff is very folk oriented. Acoustic guitar and complicated lyrics about god and dead philosophers.

Then during the 90s he went into a Folk/classical style but played it all on synths, like a modern day wendy (walter?) carlos.

Today he just makes odd music, everything from Kabuki plays about pirates to theme songs for fascist children's TV shows.

Momus is one man, Nick Currie. He's a blogger and writer for Wired magazine.

His early stuff is very folk oriented. Acoustic guitar and complicated lyrics about god and dead philosophers.

Then during the 90s he went into a Folk/classical style but played it all on synths, like a modern day wendy (walter?) carlos.

Today he just makes odd music, everything from Kabuki plays about pirates to theme songs for fascist children's TV shows.

I have not heard this actually. I'm confusing it with a semi-metal band he was playing with a similar title. I will check it out.

Pitchfork is only good for hearing about new cds or concerts. The reviews have consistently been shitty. I often email them to tell them how fucking dumb they are.
My brothers got that reissue. I think ill grab it this weekend. I always got hell for thinking that was one of their better albums.

Most my Pavementfanboy friends agree that it is probably their best album. The snobs tend to lean towards Westing. "Box Elder" is probably my fav track, but Wowee Zowee is overall better.
Thats cool. My friends like slanted and enchanted for some reason. I do like that old drummer guy they had.
can anyone give me a good mountain goats album to get? aren't they supposed to be lo-fi/indie/alt? i have a lot of wiggle room at oink due to their lovely x-mas present.
can anyone give me a good mountain goats album to get? aren't they supposed to be lo-fi/indie/alt? i have a lot of wiggle room at oink due to their lovely x-mas present.

Sunset tree is their best so far. Oddly, it's also the one with the best production values-- go fig.
Sunset tree is their best so far. Oddly, it's also the one with the best production values-- go fig.

thanks. i'm attempting to extend my listening habits from post/stoner rock to include some more indie. before i only really listened to the shins, but i'm attempting to expand upon that. trying to stay away from the emo indie as much as i can.
I don't mean to be cruel, but you know nothing. You are scratching at the surface, but you haven't even heard of pitchfork... (I'm not a big fan of the site, but they are informative) Oh I forgot to mention, I am currently making a documentary on Independent music. So far we have driven 6500 miles from AZ through cali and washington then to winnipeg and chicago etc etc I am now in philly and about to head to new york. I would name bands and important people within the scene, but that's what the film is for. Anyway, if you want a basic knowledge of Independent music (which btw is entirely different from the co-opted term "Indie") just read some wikipedia and some pitchfork and start talking to people at your local record store. If anything youll come across some of the half dozen really good books or movies on the subject and learn something. O our film should be out in a while, I will let everyone know when it is.
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I don't mean to be cruel, but you know nothing. You are scratching at the surface, but you haven't even heard of pitchfork... (I'm not a big fan of the site, but they are informative) Oh I forgot to mention, I am currently making a documentary on Independent music. So far we have driven 6500 miles from AZ through cali and washington then to winnipeg and chicago etc etc I am now in philly and about to head to new york. I would name bands and important people within the scene, but that's what the film is for. Anyway, if you want a basic knowledge of Independent music (which btw is entirely different from the co-opted term "Indie") just read some wikipedia and some pitchfork and start talking to people at your local record store. If anything youll come across some of the half dozen really good books or movies on the subject and learn something. O our film should be out in a while, I will let everyone know when it is.

hmmm. i wikied independent music (specifically that spelling) and it bumped me to indie. they don't seem to differentiate. but that's pretty awesome.
eh you cant count on most people to differentiate, but after talking to so many people and bands, those who are in the know and living the life definitely see a difference. and yes we actually are coming through Baltimore in a few days.
Thanks scenester. I'll be sure to watch your self-important documentary. Let me know when the Holy Triumverate of Lou Reed, Thurston Moore, and Robert Pollard blesses your Holy Movie so you can affectively bless us peons. I'm sure Mac Mcgauhan will sacrifice his firstborn over the DVD, while listening to some back-issued Slint in the background. Fuck off and die.

[Captain Obvious] I think I'll stick with Magnet, thanks [/Captain Obvious]
strangely we ARE talking to thurston moore and lou reed and the velvet underground are a big part of the movie. we have also already talked to calvin johnson (krecs) and adam from atom and his package and blah blah hardly a scenester, youngin.
Don't let me get in your way. You're probably off to lambast some poor newb about buying a Rogue wave album, saying that they are "too commercial" and "too mainstream." I keep getting this visual of Jack Black in "High Fidelity." I can't shake it!