Independent Music

rofl where do you come off with this attitude? You can't call yourself an expert if you aren't. end.
well I can't give up to much as of right now, but a few of the recent ones included xbxrx, man man, and the weakerthans. deerhoof, yo la tengo, shins, etc are oming up closer to summer. Most of them are busy preparing for tours leading up to the big festivals this summer.
haha i realized right after typing it that i thought you had said my chemical romance, not mbv. MY BAD DUDERZ!
no, all musical wanabees don't know dick about music. you just sit around and talk about how much you know about CRAP bands.

If I want good music, MTV's TRL has the goods.

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The entire bredth of my indie rock knowledge is entirely contained in this thread. Please evaluate my credentials on these few post alone.

I mention Lou Reed and thurston moore and "Oh and they are in my VERY IMPORTANT documentary." Yea... I know nothing, and you haven't asked me anything.

Oh God! He didn't know about Pitchfork! OMG OMG
Reading comprehension is tough, but when you can't waste any time due to pending schedules involving yelling at people at record stores for preferring "goo" over "Spin Cycle," I can see where you are coming from!

Don't worry perro! We are here to support you!
you're the one that keeps saying my documentary is important... I mean I think it is, but you seem to REALLY think it is. thx I guess?
I don't yell at people about their musical tastes. You can't change anything with yelling. You can inform them of some of the other stuff out there though (thus the movie). I spend very little time in record stores anyway.
From the context of your post, I gathered that I would learn the entire scope of indie rock, based on your several light-year journey around the country. Your diction suggests that it is very important. Either that or hyperbole can be used as a form of sarcasm.
actually you would learn an astounding amount of shit after talking to a dozen or more people who are major parts of the scene. you know, since its their life and all, they seem to know quite a bit about where the scene was, is, and will be. crazy huh.
Yes. Captain Obvious would tend to agree with you.

Understand that "expert" is relative. I am a mental midget compared to Thurston Moore, Eric Bachmann, or Bob Nostranovich or Mac when it comes to independent music. In the context of this board, I strongly feel otherwise.
I would vote musashi over you anyday, and I have no idea how many other people would know more than you.
I would agree with Musashi. You don't know how much I know, because you haven't asked me anything. I pointed that out several posts up the page, but I know you have a problem with reading comprehension.
eh you cant count on most people to differentiate, but after talking to so many people and bands, those who are in the know and living the life definitely see a difference. and yes we actually are coming through Baltimore in a few days.

well i live in baltimore (in the city) so if there is anything you need to know about it, lemme know (music, food, etc)