I'm pissed off that Americans get called Yanks

What's wrong with being called Yanks? If it's by a limey, we kicked their asses twice, and saved their asses another two times during wars. (Rev. War, War of 1812, both world wars, for you history ignorant fucks)
What's wrong with being called Yanks? If it's by a limey, we kicked their asses twice, and saved their asses another two times during wars. (Rev. War, War of 1812, both world wars, for you history ignorant fucks)

America saved the limey's in WW1? Thats news to me... guess I better do my reading! How interesting!!!

I feel so ignorant... whats the website where I can search things to learn more? It starts with a G... Goggle.com?
What's wrong with being called Yanks? If it's by a limey, we kicked their asses twice, and saved their asses another two times during wars. (Rev. War, War of 1812, both world wars, for you history ignorant fucks)

The achievements of your ancestors does not translate to your own achievements. Please don't let your patriotism mask the reality that you yourself have achieved fuck all, and have absolutely nothing to be proud of.

And of course, it you did say that to a limey I think they could simply retort with something like 'Nagasaki'. ;) The cold-blooded elimination of well over 200,000 civilians and consequential murder of two entire cities is definitely something to be ashamed of.

By the way, whenever a Brit calls you a yank it's actually rarely meant in a negative way (I for one didn't even know the origin of the word before this thread, nor had I thought of looking it up before). If you get all defensive and start bringing up the Revolutionary War you're going to make yourself look like a serious dick. :sunny:

I mean, who knows the origin of 'Limey' off hand? What about 'Kraut', 'Aussie', and the many other slang terms for countries out there? It's exactly the same for 'Yank'. Few people know or care where it came from -- it's just said out of tradition.

My verdict: You guys care too much about something entirely inconsequential.
Trade ships and supplies :D

That is BULLSHIT; everybody knows that the Lusitania didn't have any munitions on board and there was no covert war supply scheme using rich white cruise passengers as human shields. All this "news" and these "facts" that are printed in tabloid rags like National Geographic is total hogwash.

WWI was totally won by the French and English without any American bailout whatsoever. The stalemate of the so-called "trench war" is a lie propagated by the Jewish media to discredit the French as a Jewish retaliation for the Dreyfuss Affair.
:lol: that some redneck from Alabama is getting upset by being called a yank ..

The South wont rise again, yank .. :lol:
The achievements of your ancestors does not translate to your own achievements. Please don't let your patriotism mask the reality that you yourself have achieved fuck all, and have absolutely nothing to be proud of.

And of course, it you did say that to a limey I think they could simply retort with something like 'Nagasaki'. ;) The cold-blooded elimination of well over 200,000 civilians and consequential murder of two entire cities is definitely something to be ashamed of.

By the way, whenever a Brit calls you a yank it's actually rarely meant in a negative way (I for one didn't even know the origin of the word before this thread, nor had I thought of looking it up before). If you get all defensive and start bringing up the Revolutionary War you're going to make yourself look like a serious dick. :sunny:

I mean, who knows the origin of 'Limey' off hand? What about 'Kraut', 'Aussie', and the many other slang terms for countries out there? It's exactly the same for 'Yank'. Few people know or care where it came from -- it's just said out of tradition.

My verdict: You guys care too much about something entirely inconsequential.

As an American, I like the word Yank. Also, I'm not ashamed at all at using nuclear weapons on japan. In a war where essentially every major enemy city was carpet/fire-bombed, it wasn't too out of line. More people died in the conventional bombing of Tokyo and Dresden, so I don't see why so many people get upset about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in comparison. They would've been wiped off the map with or without nukes.
And of course, it you did say that to a limey I think they could simply retort with something like 'Nagasaki'. ;) The cold-blooded elimination of well over 200,000 civilians and consequential murder of two entire cities is definitely something to be [STRIKE]ashamed of[/STRIKE]proud of.

Don't try that here. If you had handled your own problems the war would have never escalated and we would have never needed to drop the bombs (which saved lives in the end).
'Limey' comes from the English sailors eating Limes to not get scurvy .. fucks sake don't they teach you anything at school these days?
Don't try that here. If you had handled your own problems the war would have never escalated and we would have never needed to drop the bombs (which saved lives in the end).

Japanese activity in Manchuria justifies the bombs anyway. Moreover, according to thirky's own school of thought (which he explained in the first paragraph of the post you quoted), the "200,000" retort would be completely invalid because it is the action of our ancestors, and not us. We, as thirky so eloquently, graciously and knowingly pointed out, have done absolutely fuck all with our lives.
What did I ever do to you? Don't call me a fucking yankee.

Go to europe and they're all like "are you a yank" and I have to get in their face and say "NO IM NOT YANKEE. DO I LIKE LIKE SOME OLD FUCK?"

(this thread is about starting off with one thought and finishing with a completely unrelated sentence, do the same)

:huh: I thought yankees were northerners, not old people.
oh guys you make me lol