I'm pissed off that Americans get called Yanks

if i am so anti american find 3 different posts i have made that were anti american? (that weren't sarcastic) i bet you can't.

you just like to say that i am anti-american because you jumping on TB's (? or was it someone else) bandwagon from like a year ago because you don't have anything original to say yourself.

holy fuck are you kidding me? If I cared enough I could find dozens of anti-american posts you have made. Beren, you bash american ALL OF THE TIME on these forums. It got really bad there for a while.

But like I said I don't care enough to "search" your old posts to "prove" anything to you.
Hey bro, everyone in the land down under is in perfect shape and genius.

Americans are lesser human beings. Bow down to our Aussie overlords.
holy fuck are you kidding me? If I cared enough I could find dozens of anti-american posts you have made. Beren, you bash american ALL OF THE TIME on these forums. It got really bad there for a while.

But like I said I don't care enough to "search" your old posts to "prove" anything to you.

so basically your admitting that if anyone out side the US highlights a problem with the US they must hate the U.S? Wow, that is a pretty messed up world view you have there.