If you were leaving Earth forever...

salt and pepper. Anyone in the military who served in some elongated deployment knows MRE's and Tabasco.
I'm pretty sure everyone responding hasn't thought about the fact they'd be crying for water after 10 hours, perhaps sooner.
@OP: answer me this

rate of travel we're talking here

zample: alpha centauri is roughly 4.4 light years away - 4 years at the speed of light - longer if traveling slower

nigga that's a long time

Time is relative, my brother. Let's just say it's a long ass trip. But, there is no magic stasis. You are going to sit in the ship and ride. It's going in a straight line out into the unknown. Now, you might be a lucky motherfucker and 6 days out you find a neon sign. The sign says "Welcome Space Travellers! Spread your hot spunk on our beautiful alien pzusys!". You tool in and bam! They are also known for their galactic epicureanism and offer a potpourri of delectable and delicious fare.

Or, you might end up on a pepper planet with Fool. Who knows? There might be a salt planet a couple of light years from there.

Then again, you might go on for ever and ever until you expire never finding anything. You just won't know.

What you do know is that when you embark on the ship you get either salt and pepper or Sriracha. You can count on that as surely as the fact that Ender still has herpes.
I Need Salt.
you should see me sweat

I am assuming an OVER-abundance of clean high pressure water Brass
WHO wouldn't assume that on a great trip like this
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Indeed. This ship has a water synthesizer. The plumbing is also class A. It has a fantastic shower with multiple jets, heads and steam outlets. You can choose from Eucalyptus, Lemon, Grapefruit, Tea Tree, Peppermint or Cotton Candy to scent the steam. Any combo.
Sriracha. I put hot sauce on everything so If I could have access to at least 1 kind for the rest of my life I would be happy. I would prefer, Texas Heat, Da Bomb, or Lethal Gator tho.
Maybe on the next trip. The Sriracha synthesis is golden. There have been some unfortunate mistakes with other hot sauces.
Does it have a bathtub like the one in the Prefect bathroom in Hogwarts?
(Goblet of Fire)

b/c I'd really dig one, and would be on board even without the salt n pepa