If you were leaving Earth forever...

True story. Me and a few friends spent an evening tripping in England. A Russell, a Rupert, a Claire, a Suzanne, a Wendy, an Ian and me. Russell had a nice houseboat on the Thames. We stayed up all night drinking and partying. As dawn came along, we all decided it was a beautiful day to go off across the countryside and watch the sunrise. Off we went.

Not long after, we heard Ian yell "Bouncy Castle! Bouncy Castle!" and he proceeded to run through a hedge. We ran after. We were in time to see him leap into someone's partially inflated hot air balloon. Man were they pissed. Ian was rolling around on the fabric and flapping his arms. A man said "What is wrong with him?" etc. Russell managed to calm the situation and get Ian out of the balloon. This was a pretty posh group. One of the chicks was smiling at me because she determined I was American as I was chatting her up. I don't think she gave a fuck about the balloon. It was her father's. She was trying not to laugh and not doing very well at it. We took Ian and got him away from civilization for awhile. I still remember how we waved at each other as we disappeared back through the gate. I think she wanted to go with us.

Our Claire was funny. She had such a super posh accent. We called her "Air hair Claire" because of the way she would say "hello". Which came out as "Air Hair Lair".

I enjoyed my time in England. I'll head back at some point. Have a little visit with the old mates and reminisce.
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There's no Ian in the original list. Calling bullshit. Unless you're Ian which really doesn't seem likely. Not an American name. Cool story though, would have been cooler if you boned Claire
Or you just copy pasted that from a Famous Five book or something, which would at least explain why you didn't bone Claire.
There's no Ian in the original list. Calling bullshit. Unless you're Ian which really doesn't seem likely. Not an American name. Cool story though, would have been cooler if you boned Claire

No, Claire was an airhead. Cute but nah. Ian wanted me to bone him though. He was also boning Jane. But, he had a thing for guys too.
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I would have gone with the salt and pepper b/c you die if you don't eat enough salt.

But with Sriracha being 100mg salt / 5g (teaspoon), you only need about 5 spoons per day to live so you'd get by on it alone.

But I'd still stick with salt and pepper b/c it goes with everything and I also wouldn't want to go around a space ship with stinky garlic breath.
Sriracha is made from jalapeños and is aka cock sauce. You don't need that anywhere in the universe.

Chemically, table salt consists of two elements, sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl). Neither element occurs separately and free in nature, but are found bound together as the compound sodium chloride. I'm sure you can use that somewhere so that is my logical choice.
You fucking added Ian you total bastard.

I couldn't very well have left Ian out. He was the star of that show. Pretty much everyone boned everyone at one time or another. Then, there was Nicki. Nicki, Nicki, Nicki. Oh Nicki. Nicki nic nic. Ho ho ho nic nic nic nicity nic. Ah nook nook nook NICKI. Nicki was our BA flight attendant. She recruited a couple of the other girls later. Something about the name Nicki. Tell you what. Some things never change. If you know a Nicki, 5 quid says she's a goer.

British Airways stewardess 'is selling sex between flights' | Daily Mail Online
Truthfully, I wouldn't want to go. We have free air that isn't regulated by a system that could malfunction. We have abundant supplies of natural, refracted sunlight. We have rain and food supplies that are naturally provided. We have everything that we could possibly need right here.

Plus, if you get far enough away from Earth, you could lose perspective and not be able to find your way back. Nothing but endless void. The Empty Doom.

No thanks.
@OP: answer me this

rate of travel we're talking here

zample: alpha centauri is roughly 4.4 light years away - 4 years at the speed of light - longer if traveling slower

nigga that's a long time