How fast do you go on the highway?

I like to keep it under 10 over no matter what. 7-9 mph over generally. In a town I'll keep it under 5 over (29 in a 25 etc).

Honestly the 1 minute or whatever you'd end up saving on a 15 minute drive is not worth even a little risk of even a small fine, not to mention a little risk of a huge fine and loss of license on the more excessive speeds. I'm not in that much of a hurry.
I used to go 80 on a 65, even on a 55 on the garden state parkway.

I got pulled over a few months ago for going 80 on an 65, didn't get a ticket but my luck of speeding for 4+ years ended. Now I speed periodically, but generally stick to the speed of surrounding traffic.

And by the strict definition, I always speed. However now I don't go over 10 as much.
I got a ticket for 79 in a 55, middle of nowhere wisconsin. Cost me $250. My first time getting caught speeding, no break. Radar detector went off too late (perfect storm of him coming up a steeper side of a hill than I was I think, and zero traffic/buildings to bounce off of).
always have a rabbit.

Cruise at 5 over and wait for another speeder.
Let him pass and then match their speed to get their cruise setting.
Back off 1/4 mile
Speed back up to the matched speed.
Watch them get pulled over.
I generally refuse to do much more than 5 over unless traffic is moving faster. Aviation careers look pretty heavily at speeding tickets as a sign of recklessness and lack of obedience to the law.
That's great, then you better fucking stay in the right lane. STAY IN THE FUCKING RIGHT LANE GODDAMNIT. It's not that hard.

I'm sorry I'm taking this out on you, I'm sure you go 5 over on the right. It's the fucking shitheads that are either unbelievably clueless or just want to be a dick that piss me off by driving 5 over or at the speed limit in the left lane. NO. GET THE FUCK OFF MY ROAD
i got let off for doing 132 in a 55 (motorcycle)

cop had something better to do at 3 oclock on a thurs. *shrug*

young and dumb back then

now i drive no more than 8 mph over the limit on the freeway, and no more than 5 in town
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I generally refuse to do much more than 5 over unless traffic is moving faster. Aviation careers look pretty heavily at speeding tickets as a sign of recklessness and lack of obedience to the law.
and yet speed limits offer no increase in safety and were only instituted as a tax and deterrent to the use of gasoline during wartime.

speed limits are retarded
and yet speed limits offer no increase in safety and were only instituted as a tax and deterrent to the use of gasoline during wartime.

speed limits are retarded

Hey, I fully agree. However, if you thought you might not get a job because you had a speeding ticket, you wouldn't speed either.
i have airbags, and i never wear my seatbelt... it's actually clipped behind my seat so the damn sensor doesn't beep repeatedly

i usually go about 15 over no matter where i am and keep an eye out for coppers

seatbelt and airbags play no part in my choice of speed -- i'd drive over 100mph if it weren't for the risk of going to jail/getting tickets
That's great, then you better fucking stay in the right lane. STAY IN THE FUCKING RIGHT LANE GODDAMNIT. It's not that hard.

I'm sorry I'm taking this out on you, I'm sure you go 5 over on the right. It's the fucking shitheads that are either unbelievably clueless or just want to be a dick that piss me off by driving 5 over or at the speed limit in the left lane. NO. GET THE FUCK OFF MY ROAD

definitely this. I usually drive 10 over on highway, 10-15 over on the interstate. Its really not even an issue of speed for me, its an issue of other drivers. namely that they don't know how to fucking drive. I hate driving behind somebody who can't maintain a consistent speed on the highway. They're constantly slowing down, changing lanes at terrible times forcing other drivers in other lanes to slow down, completely oblivious to whats going on on the road around them.

i cannot stand being on the interstate going 80 or so in the left lane, coming up on a group of cars <1/4 mile ahead of me in the next right lane over, and just as i get about 3 car lengths from the back of the pack some motherfucker decides he wants to change over to my lane and pass the group going 70-75, forcing me to switch off my cruise and slow down when he easily could have waiting 20 more seconds for me to pass him then change lanes. I'm constantly aware of these kind of things both when i'm the faster car and when i'm the slower car, but I swear 95% of people on the road are completely oblivious to the flow of traffic.
i drive a lot for work

generally, the speeding tickets have 3 violations if you are speeding up at 19 over.

0-9 over
10-14 over
15-19 over

there is a huge jump in fines and other penalties for the last one. so if there a lot of cars on the road and you are less than 14 over, you are fine. HOWEVER, if speed limit is 70, then do not go 10+ unless you are feeling lucky. seems like no matter the speed limit 80 is a bad number.

it also depends on how poor the state is, the poorer the state the more likely the cops are gonna shit on you for anything 10+ on any speed limit, especially if you are the only car on the road.
from home to work, the speed limit goes from 45 to 55 to 65
i just go 80

i also pass no fewer than 2 state troopers while im going ~30 over the limit. they sit parked looking for trucks going over the bridge instead of through the detour, $3000 fine for each one
Of course having a military ID always helps. I was pulled over in Utah doing 85 in a 65 on a completely desolate desert highway. Flashed my military ID with my license and had a 5 minute talk about deployments with the trooper before he said have a good time and let me go.
I wasn't promoting speeding I was saying between the speeds bew said 60 and 90 having airbags doesn't prevent anything its a crapshoot at that point. Look at it statistically. Airbags aren't even designed for crash tests at those speeds. I was promoting driving slow but retards interpruted it the wrong way. Also I am on a cell phone so I can u all day long d00d.


also, you are a fucking idiot that doesn't know what he's talking about