Hidden: Source (Become like the predator) [Half Life 2: Death-match mod) {BRACKETS}

wow this is a pretty good mod -- it definitely doesn't have a very smooth feel to it but the gameplay is well thought out. being the hidden rocks.
Doaln said:
Oh btw, if you're the hidden, and you've got balls, pick up a corpse and fuck around with it. Like attach it to the ceiling or a light post or something so it hangs from its foot. It's fucking awesome to do and make sure you do it somewhere with a camera so the dead observers see it. The new people usually flip their shit when they see it because it looks so creepy.

how do you do this? i saw people doin it but i couldnt figure out which keybind it was.

This does sound pretty cool, going to have to give it a try.

Those of you asking about the corpse dragging... its the USE key. E by default, it picks up objects and they stick to u. It freaks people out, its awesome.
I've only "seen" the hidden ONCE.

They do need to make him, while be it EVER so slightly, more visible. Nothing too extreme. Just something that can catch your eye better than how it is. Then this game will be a lot more fun.

As it is, its a lot of guesswork, and while that can be entertaining, dying while you see absolutely nothing just makes it lame.

But being the hidden is a lot of fun.

My problem is, I have no clue where the dude is, can't see anything.

But then i'm creepin on some fool, and they see me from miles away.

I have every setting on high.
um, i'm actually seeing the hidden fairly easily.. i think they should make him just a tad harder to see.. and how many primary slashes does it take with the knife to kill someone? i always get one off and then i get shot in the face. its bullshit
notwasabi said:
um, i'm actually seeing the hidden fairly easily.. i think they should make him just a tad harder to see.. and how many primary slashes does it take with the knife to kill someone? i always get one off and then i get shot in the face. its bullshit
Takes two slashes. A group of 8 of us TWers just finishes a game together and it was fun as fuck. Playing Hidden while on vent makes it even better.

I see the Hidden better now, but he's still very hidden. If you are a good hidden, you can rush people so fast they can't see you, so maybe that's your problem.
i just wish i could actually get into a round :/
i pick my loadout and my character and then the match starts and im observer
or map changes and im observer, round ends im observer

How the fuck is it easy to see him?

There must be some setting that makes it that way. Cuz I can't ever see him.

Yet they can all see me.
very fun game..i just got sucked into it for waaay too long. i think the hidden's visibility is perfect where it is..you can see him if you are concentrating but its pretty tough to see him with your peripheral vision. i love the mayhem that ensues when you pick one out of a group as hidden and watch them start shooting each other.

plus the bonus is you can hear their voice chat -- hilarious.
Doaln said:
Those of you asking about the corpse dragging... its the USE key. E by default, it picks up objects and they stick to u. It freaks people out, its awesome.
have you tried picking up a corpse and pretending you're a marine?
I never see the hidden either :(

I got to be the hidden once and I was seen right off the bat..wtf =/