Heroin and Jesus

-cyanide- said:
hey inf did you know i got the interview w/ the county library

some asian lady who could hardly speak english called me to setup the interview

i'm totally gonna ace it

asians love the jer

my 1st boss was the nicest asian lady ever. she hired me as a student and then recommended me for the full time job right before she retired. i loved that women.

gl w/ the interview
I think Nostradamus' main problem, both in writing, and in posting on TW (and presumably in interacting in daily life) is this ridiculous belief that his life is somehow special, or he's more qualified to write about this stuff than we are.

Just because you've had some crazy shit happen in your life doesn't give you carte blanche to say whatever the fuck you want, bitch when no one offers advice, and then rage against those who do give advice.

Also, for fun times, try shrooming on a high speed train from Amsterdam to Cologne while the German Polizei come through the train with their drug dog (and you've hidden half an ounce of weed in the bathroom).

That was an awesome trip. I should write a story about it, but I'm not sure I could capture the bizarreness.
ptavv said:
I think Nostradamus' main problem, both in writing, and in posting on TW (and presumably in interacting in daily life) is this ridiculous belief that his life is somehow special, or he's more qualified to write about this stuff than we are.
sorry, ptaw. but that quote coming from you... hahaha. :]