Heroin and Jesus

i'm not sure i would call this "brilliant" or refer to it as having "lucid beauty", heroine experience or no.
Nostradamus said:

You are all, seriously depraved llamas.

How many of you have mainlined smack? I am betting exactly zero. A nerdy forum does not usually fall into that kind of crowd. This is why a thread like this does not resonate, despite any brilliance or luicid beauty.

Maybe it is time to migrate to SA, but I shudder at the thought. It is like migrating to Nazi Germany.

Fraggle has done H.
only thing that really strikes me is this:
We were heading for the projects. John knew the way. Suddenly, as I rounded the corner of an alley, there were 20 black teenagers standing in the middle of the street. They all stopped and stared right into our headlights. All looked like thugs. No one moved an inch.
there were 20? not 21? not 20-ish?

were they suddenly in the street, or did you come upon them suddenly as you rounded the corner?

I'd suggest either finding a way to suggest there was an uncertain number of people in a mass on the street, or have one of the characters count them. or something.
Wow! That story was awesome. It shown with such lucid beauty! Absolutely brilliant! You're the next Hunter S. Thompson!

Please fucking die, you shitty hack.
Leonidas Tzu said:
Wow! That story was awesome. It shown with such lucid beauty! Absolutely brilliant! You're the next Hunter S. Thompson!

Please fucking die, you shitty hack.

ALRIGHT YOU SONOFABITCH. I'll go toe-to-toe. If you were here right now, I'm just drunk enough to beat the bloody hell out of you. I'm still not stupid drunk though, which is amazing after 1/2 of a handle of 100 proof vodka. Damn tolerance.

That isn't even in the HST style. 2/3rds of it was written 18 months ago, and I just tonight filled in the blanks. I hadn't head any HST except F&L and The Rum Diaries at that time. The last paragraph is more Hemmingway than anything. Also, I swear on my father's grave that it is true.
Nostradamus please explain to me why it is cheaper to buy a round trip flight from Copenhagen to San Diego than to buy a one way. Does this not contradict your intuition? It contradicts mine.
cogzinofa said:
only thing that really strikes me is this:

there were 20? not 21? not 20-ish?

were they suddenly in the street, or did you come upon them suddenly as you rounded the corner?

I'd suggest either finding a way to suggest there was an uncertain number of people in a mass on the street, or have one of the characters count them. or something.

We came upon them suddenly. And it was not 20. I do not know the number...it could have been 15 or two dozen or 30. I will change that. I've also noticed some typoos/grammar errors. Thank you for the advice though. You wrote a book? I'm going to keep plugging away with the writing regardles, because if I don't I think I may go crazy.
naptown said:
Fraggle has done H.

Fascinating. I would expect that from him.

I've always wanted to talk to Fraggle while I'm drinking. I know he posted his phone # somewhere on the forums, but I cannot find it.

Also, I really become an asshole while drunk. I apologize. I appreciate those who said that they liked this silly little story. I hope it gives a litttle perpesctive into the drug world. I'm not this way when I'm sober. I'm very paranoid then and rarely post.
I thought it was a good read - just let the words out man, and fix shit later. Stuff like this needs to be written raw, if that's the message.

Forget about the haters and get on with getting it out. At least you are trying to kick that shit.
Geck0 said:
I thought it was a good read - just let the words out man, and fix shit later. Stuff like this needs to be written raw, if that's the message.

Forget about the haters and get on with getting it out. At least you are trying to kick that shit.

Thank you Geck0. I am sorry for all my hate. I would never post this negativity while sober. I do truly appreciate it, and will even moreso when I sober up and won't post at all.

I haven't touched any opiate for 3 months, and sporatically at that. Also I am schizophrenic, but have somewhat milder symptoms than my father. I have a 17 year old sister, whom I am trying at every possibility to keep her away from this awful stuff. She has the genetic predisposition, and she told me "John" hit on her at a party. I told him I would break his legs if he messed with Jenna.