here's your answer to why gay marriage is wrong...


nobody is asking the churches to......

you know what, not worth my time, you're obviously a fucking moron, and i'm certainly not gonna fix that over the internet
T w i z t i D said:

there are plenty of gay marriages that can and have "procreated"

which is to say they have children. REgardless, backwards thinking is nothing new to America, but people like Rafa can go down knowing that History will look upon them like the slave owners, the people against women's suffrage and equality, and the people behind the red scare, etc... which is to say they'll look like fucking shortsighted morons.

well said.

lots of other good points to be made, but this is not the proper soapbox.
I'm confused as to why you guys get to declare the reasons of marriage(true love/benefits) but when I say that if it's alright for gays, it's alright for polygamy, i'm suddenly changing the subject? You say marriage has to be between two, and why?
i love mule
it can reciprocate that love
we want all of the benefits that marriage contains there in
we can procreate and start a strain of mutant minotaur children (MMCs)

should we be allowed to marry?
Answer? Who's even asking for an answer?

If god wanted people to be fruitful and multiply, maybe he should have begun with making them FRUITFUL.
-Rafa- said:
i just think its funny that people think it should even be legal

People like you are the ones bitching about this issue and squandering valuable time and resources on it rather than spending said resources and time to fix the economy or lowering unemployment or fighting the terrorists or something else exponentially more important.

You homophobes let them marry and deal with it. They're not going to go away, and you can't wage a genocidal war on them like Hitler did the Jews. I'm sorry you are so insecure about your own sexuality and your own insecurities make you scared some gay couple could expose your kids to same sex relationships and "turn" them gay.

Narrow-minded assholes like this are the main reason nothing productive gets done in this country.
Automatic Jack said:
Lesbians can be inseminated, gays can adopt, and sterile heterosexuals are in the same boat but they can get married.

And wasn't there already a thread on this, in which this reason was posted over and over and fucking over again?

Your god gives you the right and the obligation to hate and exclude gays. Revel in your faith, but don't bother trying to rationalize it to those who place their faith in logic and justice.
You're now generalizing religion. I'm not against gay marriage but saying it's not logical to have an opinion, no matter how biased, is just as ridiculous as otherwise.
opsayo said:
I'm confused as to why you guys get to declare the reasons of marriage(true love/benefits) but when I say that if it's alright for gays, it's alright for polygamy, i'm suddenly changing the subject? You say marriage has to be between two, and why?
Mangle-Me-Elmo said:
i love mule
it can reciprocate that love
we want all of the benefits that marriage contains there in
we can procreate and start a strain of mutant minotaur children (MMCs)

should we be allowed to marry?

there we go finally someone can put together a point

man is made for woman, there are only 2 types of humans buddy.. so the mule isn't relevant

a man's ass is not an intended place for a dick to be in

a woman's vagina is

the end